
  • 网络heavy road
  1. 坦克车在泥泞的道路上掘出了高高低低的车辙。

    The tank ploughed up the muddy roads .

  2. 伊丽莎白穿过泥泞的道路,步行三英里去看望并照料她姐姐。

    Elizabeth walks three miles through the mud to visit and nurse her sister .

  3. 我们的旅游被泥泞的道路阻挠了。

    The muddy roads impede our journey .

  4. 马车陷入了泥泞的道路。

    The muddy road bemired the wagon .

  5. 我们在泥泞的道路上吃力地走着。

    We laBored along the muddy road .

  6. 他们沿着一条泥泞的道路走着。

    They walked along a muddy road .

  7. 他们踩着泥泞的道路行进。

    They slopped along the muddy road .

  8. 无论何时,当你在泥泞的道路上蹒跚前行时,你肯定想穿一双这种炫酷的靴子。

    You 'll want to wear these cool duct-tape boots whenever you 're mucking around in the mud .

  9. 然后,我们的导游带领我们穿过了水稻田、高入云霄的石灰岩峭壁,之后转向了山地部落开辟的泥泞的道路。

    Our guides then lead us through rice fields and soaring limestone cliffs before turning on to dirt tracks cut by hill tribes .

  10. 民防组织的工作人员和当地居民夜以继日地工作去清洁泥泞的道路并搜寻碎石堆里的生还者。

    Civil defense workers and local residents have been toiling around the clock to clean up muddy streets and search for survivors under piles of rubble .

  11. 在前方满是荆棘和泥泞的道路上,此外,也许还有更多的“歧路”和“穷途”,一个人更需有坚忍不拔的意志和顽强的毅力。

    In the life journey with bramble and miriness in the frontage , furthermore , perhaps it occurs more " branch roads " and " dead ends " .

  12. 踽行的孤寂,哀鸿的唳鸣,泥泞的道路,黄昏的残照,您在掩涕叹息中坐困愁城。

    The loneliness of your solitude walk , the plaintive whine of wild geese , the muddy road , the setting sun at dusk , make you sit in gloomy mood , sighing tearfully .

  13. 但在寒冷的冬季,列车则会穿越荒凉单调的休耕地,以及雨中泥泞不堪的道路。

    But in the dead of winter , it traverses a bleak , monochrome landscape of fallow fields and dirt roads that turn to mud in the rain .

  14. 你们克服了大一那年的猪流感你们克服了泥泞积雪结冰的道路

    Well , you overcame swine flu freshman year You overcame middle path in mud and snow and ice .

  15. 二十二日中午,皮埃尔沿着泥泞的打滑的道路向山上走,他看着自己的脚,又看看那崎岖的山道。

    AT MIDDAY on the22nd , Pierre was walking along the muddy , slippery road uphill , looking at his feet and at the unevenness of the road .