
  • 网络wavelength converter;OTU
  1. 基于SOA交叉增益调制的可调谐全光波长转换器的研究

    Study on Tunable All-optical Wavelength Converter Based on Cross - gain Modulation in SOA

  2. WDM光网络中一种改进的波长转换器配置算法

    An improved algorithm for wavelength converter assignment in WDM optical network

  3. 实验研究了单端SOA波长转换器的输出特性。

    The output properties of wavelength converters based on single-port coupled SOA are experimentally studied .

  4. 任意拓扑结构全光WDM网络中波长转换器配置的遗传算法

    Placement of wavelength converter in WDM network with arbitrary topology using genetic algorithm

  5. 基于SOA的XPM波长转换器的噪声特性分析

    Noise Characteristics of Wavelength Converters Based on XPM in SOAs

  6. 基于SOA的XPM全光波长转换器转换信号消光比特性分析

    Theoretical Study of Extinction Ration of Wavelength-converted Optical Signals Using XPM Based on SOAs

  7. DWDM网中全光波长转换器的研究

    Progress in all-optical wavelength conversion technology in DWDM networks

  8. 文章提出了一种在有限波长转换器的WDM网络中,基于拉格朗日松驰的时延约束最小代价多播路由算法。

    This paper proposes a delay-constrained least-cost multicast routing algorithm based on Lagrange relaxation in WDM networks with sparse wavelength converters .

  9. 自泵浦可调谐FWM型全光波长转换器的研究

    Self-pumped and tunable all-optical wavelength converter based on four-wave mixing

  10. 可调谐波长转换器在DWDM全光网络中具有举足轻重的作用。

    The tunable wavelength converter plays an important roll in dense wavelength division multiplexing ( DWDM ) all optical network .

  11. 论文对基于SOA中交叉相位调制(XPM)效应的波长转换器进行了理论分析和实验研究。

    In this paper , wavelength conversion based on cross phase modulation ( XPM ) in SOAs was studied theoretically and experimentally .

  12. 基于LiNbO3光波导的级联二阶非线性的全光多波长转换器

    Multiwavelength converter exploiting cascaded second - order nonlinearity in LiNbO_3 waveguides

  13. 目前研究波长转换器对WDM网络性能影响的文献一般都是针对单光纤网络并且不考虑网络抗毁的要求。

    Currently , most papers that study the effect of wavelength translation on WDM network usually aim at single-fiber network and do not consider the requirement of network survivability .

  14. 对一种新型结构全光波长转换器进行了高精度、高稳定度的模块化设计,并基于单片机与PC串口通讯实现对波长转换器参数的监控。

    High-precision , ultrastable , high-integrated module for novel all-optical wavelength converter was presented , and the parameters of the converter can be monitored and controlled easily with the module based on the series communication between the singlechip and PC.

  15. 分别对基于半导体光放大器(SOA)的交叉相位调制(XPM)型和交叉增益调制(XGM)型波长转换器提出了改进的新方案。

    Improved schemes are present for wavelength conversion based on cross phase modulation ( XPM ) and cross gain modulation ( XGM ) in SOA .

  16. 为了改善基于半导体光放大器(SOA)中交叉偏振调制效应(CPM)的波长转换器的转换信号码型效应,对交叉偏振调制半导体光放大器波长转换器的工作原理进行了分析;

    In order to weaken the bit format effect of converted signal of wavelength converter based on cross-polarization-modulation in semiconductor optical amplifier ( CPM-SOA ), the principle of CPM-SOA wavelength converter is analyzed ;

  17. 本文利用小信号模型对基于半导体光放大器(SOA)交叉增益调制(XGM)波长转换器的噪声变换进行了理论分析和数据计算。

    Noise transfer characteristics of wavelength converters based on cross gain modulation ( XGM ) in semiconductor optical amplifiers ( SOAs ) is analyzed with a small signal model .

  18. 对以全网铺设光纤的总长度最短为优化目标进行波分复用(WDM)网络的抗毁设计,研究了波长转换器对多光纤网状WDM网络设计的影响。

    In this paper , a new resilient network model aimed at minimizing total fiber length is established and the influence of wavelength conversion on design of restorable multi-fiber WDM networks is studied simultaneously .

  19. 对XPM波长转换器的转换信号及消光比特性进行了详细分析。

    The characteristics of converted signal and its extinction ratio of wavelength converter using XPM based on SOAs are discussed in detail .

  20. SOA不仅可以应用于在线放大和波分复用(WDM)传输,还可以用于光开关、码型变换、调制器、3R再生、波长转换器等功能性器件。

    SOAs can be used as inline amplifiers and WDM transmission . Moreover , SOAs have many functional applications including optical switches , data format conversion , modulators , 3R regeneration and wavelength converters .

  21. 基于SFRL的FWM型可调谐波长转换器啁啾特性分析

    Frequency Chirp Performance of Tunable Wavelength Conversion Based on FWM in a Semiconductor Fiber Ring Laser

  22. 基于SOA-XGM波长转换器消光比特性的研究

    Theoretical Study on Extinction Ratio of Wavelength-converted Optical Signals Based on SOA-XGM

  23. 全光波长转换器(AOWC)是目前全光网研究中的一个热点问题。

    An all optical wavelength converter ( AOWC ) is the key device for all optical net .

  24. 基于NDFWM的集成DFB/SOA偏振无关波长转换器

    Polarization-insensitive wavelength converter based on NDFWM in DFB / SOA

  25. 本文先从SOA-XGM型波长转换器模型和SOA分段模型出发,利用载流子速率方程以及信号光和探测光在SOA中的传输方程,对SOA内部载流子浓度变化规律和波长转换器输出消光比退化做仿真研究;

    From the models of SOA-XGM converter and segmented SOA , the interior carrier density and output extinction ratio have been simulated by using the carrier rate equations and the propagation equations of signal and probe inside SOA .

  26. 在均匀准相位匹配(QPM)光栅中引入非π相移,拓宽了基于周期反转型铌酸锂波导(PPLN)差频(DFG)波长转换器的泵浦带宽。

    Pump bandwidth enhancement of periodically poled LiNbO_3 ( PPLN ) - based difference frequency generation ( DFG ) wavelength conversion by introducing various distributing formats of non π - phase shifting domains into the quasi-phase-matching ( QPM ) gratings was demonstrated .

  27. 目前,全光波长转换器的研究主要集中在二进制振幅键控(OOK)和差分移相键控(DPSK)信号调制格式,对于偏振移位键控(PolSK)信号调制格式全光波长转换的研究很少。

    At present , many researches about all-optical wavelength converters only based on the signal modulation formats of binary amplitude shift keying ( OOK ) and differential phase shift keying ( DPSK ), but it is very few to the signal modulation format of polarization shift keying ( PolSK ) .

  28. 本论文采用转换光的转换效率、光信噪比和功率代价三项指标对这种基于SOA-FWM波长转换器的转换性能进行全面的衡量和评价。

    In this thesis , we give a comprehensive measurement and evaluation of the SOA-FWM conversion performance , which is based on the three indicators below : conversion efficiency of the conversion light , the optical signal-to-noise ratio and the power penalty .

  29. FRSL波长转换器结构简单,在输入端只需输入待转换的信号光,无须输入连续波作为泵浦光,并且易于在光纤环形腔中插入各种控制元件。

    The wavelength converter based on FRSL has simple configuration . Only signal light is essential at input port , and continuous wave used as pump light in other wavelength converters is not needed . Besides , it is convenient to insert control components in the fiber ring cavity .

  30. 可调谐波长转换器是智能化光网络中的关键光电子器件。

    Tunable wavelength converters are key components in intelligent all-optical network .