
bō páng
  • bourbon
波旁[bō páng]
  1. “你喝苏格兰威士忌,”她说。“所有共和党人都喝苏格兰威士忌。”——“都说错了。我是民主党人,我喝波旁威士忌。”

    ' You drink Scotch , ' she said . ' All Republicans drink Scotch . ' — ' Wrong on both counts . I 'm a Democrat , and I drink bourbon . '

  2. 但是我们喝什么酒,比如波旁威士忌VS伏特加,有区别吗?

    But does what we drink say bourbon versus vodka make a difference ?

  3. 我把最后两指宽的波旁威士忌都倒进自己杯中。

    I poured two final fingers of bourbon into my glass .

  4. 我又往酒杯里倒了点儿波旁威士忌。

    I poured a little more bourbon into my glass .

  5. 哈里抿了一口波旁威士忌。

    Harry took a sip of bourbon

  6. 1814年波旁王朝在法国复辟。

    The Bourbons were restored to power in France in1814 .

  7. 在俄勒冈州的波特兰市,有五家门店的连锁美发沙龙TheModernMan可提供来自当地供应商的啤酒与波旁威士忌。

    The Modern Man , a chain of five salons in Portland , Ore. , offers beer and bourbon from local purveyors .

  8. n.王朝波旁王朝统治法国超过两百年。

    dynasty The Bourbon dynasty ruled France for more than two hundred years .

  9. 他的子孙capetian,valois和波旁王朝统治法国直到1792年,当时,法国大革命建立了法兰西第一共和国。

    His descendants , the Capetian , Valois and Bourbon dynasties , ruled France until 1792 , when the French revolution established the French First Republic .

  10. 正如塔列朗(Talleyrand)据信在谈及波旁皇族时所说的那样,政策制定者们什么都没学会,也什么都没忘记&尤其是在当前财政危机的私人财务根源这一点上。

    As Talleyrand is supposed to have said of the Bourbons , policymakers have learnt nothing and forgotten nothing , not least about the private financial roots of the present fiscal crises .

  11. 安托万-让·格罗(Antoine-JeanGros)晚期的创作与生活在波旁王朝复辟之前,安托万-让·格罗(1771-1835)是拿破仑的御用画家,他早期的生活与创作也因此而为人所熟知。

    Before the imperial court restores the old order by House of Bourbon , Antoine-Jean Gros ( 1771-1835 ) is Napoleon 's hired painter , his early life and create and know by people .

  12. 西班牙皇室属于波旁皇族。

    The Spanish royal family belongs to the house of bourbon .

  13. 他一看到波旁威士忌,眼睛顿时一亮。

    When he saw the bourbon , his eyes lit up .

  14. 我怎么能分辨出苏格兰威士忌和波旁威士忌呢?

    How can I tell the difference between Scotch and Bourbon ?

  15. 简宁斯,给我一杯波旁酒。

    Jennings , old boy , I 'll have a bourbon .

  16. 新的波旁王国雄心勃勃,迅速将葡萄牙纳入版图。

    The New Kingdom quickly added Portugal to its domains .

  17. 进来,我给你煮一壶波旁咖啡。

    Come in , I 'll put on a pot of bourbon .

  18. 波旁王朝统治了法国超过二百年的时间。

    The bourbon dynasty ruled France for more than two hundred years .

  19. 凡尔赛一直是波旁皇族权利和威严的象征

    Versailles stood for the power and prestige of the Bourbon dynasty .

  20. 你的小男友去哪儿拿波旁酒了肯德基州吗

    Where 'd you boyfriend go to get more bourbon , Kentucky ?

  21. 由波旁皇族酒和糖以及碾碎的冰块上的薄荷混合而成的酒。

    Bourbon and sugar and mint over crushed ice .

  22. 总统表示,他现在想喝点波旁威士忌酒。

    The president said he 'd enjoy having some Kentucky bourbon about now .

  23. 他从叮作响的玻璃杯中吞下一大口冰冷的波旁威士忌。

    He swallowed freezing bourbon from the clinking glass .

  24. 不会等到我们建立起波旁王朝吧!

    Not till we establish the House of Bourbon !

  25. 在波旁王室复辟以后,他们在法国政界形成一股重要力量。

    During the Bourbon Restoration they were an important force in French politics .

  26. 法国在帝国以后向波旁家族提出的要求也是这个。保证是时代的需要。

    These guarantees are a necessity of the times .

  27. 波旁威士忌酒是通过蒸馏玉米和黑麦制成的。

    Bourbon is made by distilling maize and rye .

  28. 你有没有美式波旁酒?

    Would you happen to have some American bourbon ?

  29. 射击后人群仍然留在波旁街。

    Crowds remained along Bourbon Street after the shooting .

  30. 拿瓶波旁威士忌给我好吗

    Bring by a bottle of bourbon , huh ?