
  • 网络poulsen;Polson;Christian Poulsen
  1. 新华社报道称,丹麦税务部部长波尔森(TroelsLundPoulsen)在周日的揭幕仪式上表示,把小美人鱼雕像带到上海是为了表达丹麦对中国的尊敬。

    Xinhua news agency reported that Denmark 's Minister of Taxation Troels Lund Poulsen said at a ceremony to unveil the statue Sunday that the mermaid had been brought to Shanghai to show his country 's dedication to China .

  2. 波尔森的团队计划选择一种已经在市场上销售的轻型客车,安装上他们的混合系统,参加比赛。

    Poulsen 's team plans to select a light-weight passenger vehicle already on the market and equip it with the hybrid system for the competition .

  3. 但是波尔森提醒人们,这些发现是简单的综合资料

    But Pearlson cautions that the findings are simply generalizations .

  4. 波尔森说,几分钟之内发生了两起盗窃事件。

    Polson said it happened twice within a few minutes .

  5. 尼姆瞪了波尔森一眼,但却按住了怒火,一言未发。

    Nim glared at paulsen , but contained his anger , saying nothing .

  6. 波尔森表示,乐队在走向主流后,音乐发生了变化。

    According to Polson , bands ' music changes when they go mainstream .

  7. 波尔森说,已经有政府、企业和机场表示对这个项目感兴趣。

    Governments , businesses and airports were already interested in the project , Boersen said .

  8. 我对主流文化持保留意见。就读于美国布朗大学的本•波尔森表示。

    I do take things in the mainstream with a grain of salt , says Ben Polson , a college student at Brown University in the US .

  9. “一大管空气可以经过过滤器随后净身而出。”波尔森在周二于阿姆斯特丹举行的海洋能源会议的间隙告诉法新社记者。此次会议为期两天。

    A large column of air will pass through the filter and come out clear , Boersen told AFP on Tuesday , speaking on the sidelines of a major two-day offshore energy conference in Amsterdam .