
sì shuǐ
  • Surabaya;the Sishui River
泗水[sì shuǐ]
  1. 12月28日,一架飞往新加坡的亚航(AirAsia)喷气式客机从印尼泗水市起飞后坠海,机上162人全部遇难。

    An AirAsia jet bound for Singapore crashed soon after taking off from the Indonesian city of Surabaya on December 28 , killing all 162 people on board .

  2. 方法:在HFRS高发区泗水县,采用整群随机抽样调查了20~59岁人群821人,调查内容包括人口特征、日常防鼠灭鼠情况及媒体宣传需求。

    Methods : 821 individuals of aged 20-59 were investigated house to house with cluster and randomized sample method in Sishui county of high HFRS endemic area , and the standard questionnaire including population characters , routine rodent control and media education demand of rodent control was designed and used .

  3. Amandira由苏拉威西岛(Sulawesi)与印尼泗水市(Surabaya)本地出产的硬质木料手工打造而成,在手工打造的船体中,建造了三个宽敞双人舱以及两个各配置架子床的单人舱。

    The Amandira has been built from local hardwoods by craftsmen in Sulawesi and Surabaya , and tucked away in among the boat 's handcrafted timbers are three spacious double cabins and two smaller cabins with two bunk beds apiece .

  4. 泗水裘皮羊皮肤组织结构的研究

    Study on the histological structure of skin in Sishui fur sheep

  5. 想节省时间找到泗水在我的生日病毒文件吗?

    Want to save time finding Surabaya in My Birthday Virus files ?

  6. 汉泗水王陵墓原样复原技术报告

    The Technical Report on the Restoration of Han Sishui Mausoleum

  7. 您有泗水在我的生日病毒?

    Do You Have Surabaya in My Birthday Virus ?

  8. 基于风险管理理论的泗水电网调度安全管理

    Safety Management of Power Dispatching of Sishui Electric Power Based on Risk Theory

  9. 连云港临沂泗水剖面重磁异常特征与地壳构造

    Features of gravitational and magnetic anomalies and crustal structure along the lianyungang-linyi-sishui profile

  10. 我要解释一些相关的定义在我的生日泗水病毒。

    I 'll explain some definitions related to Surabaya in My Birthday Virus .

  11. 农业旅游节庆开发研究&以泗水桃花节为例

    Study on the Exploitation of Agricultural Tourism Festival

  12. 泗水裘皮羊羔皮品质的研究

    Research on lamb quality of Sishui fur sheep

  13. 这么正宗的中国菜,在泗水您找不到第二家了。

    You do not need to look elsewhere in Surabaya for a Chinese flavor .

  14. 泗水国出土泡桐材性研究

    Studies of the wood property of the waterlogged Paulownia unearthed from the Han Dynasty tomb of Sishui Kingdom

  15. 这次航班是从印尼的第二大城市苏腊巴亚(泗水市)飞往首都雅加达的。

    The flight was heading from Surabaya , Indonesia 's second-largest city , to the capital , Jakarta .

  16. 一名38岁妇女的致命病例发生于东爪哇泗水市。

    One fatal case , in a38-year-old woman , occurred in the city of Surabaya , in East Java .

  17. 旅游资源资本化规划&以山东泗水泉林泉群风景区为例

    The Planning of Tourism Resource Capitalization : Take the Scenic Spot of Spring Water in Shandong Sishui as an Example

  18. 2006年初,亚当航空一架载有102名乘客的飞机在由日本的泗水飞往苏拉威西岛时失踪。

    In early 2006 , an Adam Air flight disappeared on a flight from the Javanese city of Surabaya to the island province of Sulawesi with 102 people on board .

  19. “非遗”传承保护进课堂,舞蹈《花棍舞》、《泗水民歌》和《民间制陶》进入洙泗小学和柘沟镇中心小学课堂;

    " non-left " heritage protection into the classroom , dance " flower stick dance "," Surabaya folk song " and " folk pottery " into Si Zhu Zhe Zhen Central Primary School , primary school and the classroom ;

  20. 一位有着近20年亚洲飞行经验的澳大利亚高级飞行员称,上周日从泗水飞往新加坡途中的天气条件并没有异常,对一名有经验的飞行员来说不应该造成太大困难。

    A senior Australian pilot with nearly 20 years ' experience flying in Asia says weather conditions on Sunday on the route from Surabaya to Singapore were not unusual and should not have caused an experienced pilot much difficulty .

  21. 在印尼,安迪拉曼建筑公司的亲生物寄宿公寓入围了2016世界建筑节年度建筑大赛候选名单。该公寓位于热带地区的泗水市,是东爪哇一个拥挤的港口城市。这所公寓凭借多孔墙让大楼保持凉爽而受到赞赏。

    In Indonesia , Andyrahman Architect 's Biophilic Boarding House was shortlisted in the World Architecture Festival 's Building of the Year 2016 competition , praised for its perforated walls that help the building stay cool in tropical Surabaya , a congested port city in East Java .