
  • 网络french canadian;canuck
  1. 高达70%的法裔加拿大人希望魁北克独立。

    Up to seventy per cent of French Canadians favour Quebec independence .

  2. 伟大力直到那些法裔加拿大人的出现

    Vitaly , until those French Canadians came along ,

  3. 答:是的我1968年出生,乃是法裔加拿大人和爱沙尼亚人之子。

    Yes a child of 1968 of French-Canadian and Estonian provenance .

  4. 我们的向导是一个法裔加拿大人,他擅长烹调。

    Our guide , who was French Canadian , was an excellent cook .

  5. 包括法裔加拿大人、来自欧洲的法国人及奴隶、北美印第安人及少数的英国白种殖民地。

    Including Canadian and European French , slaves , American Indians , and a few white British settlers .

  6. 你知道的,应该说,加拿大人?(这里解释一下,我之所以迟疑是因为我是法裔加拿大人)

    Like , Canadian , you know ?(" eh " is French Canadian , for those who don 't know ) .

  7. “泰-萨克斯病”在德系犹太人和法裔加拿大人中最常见。而“囊性纤维化”疾病常见于北欧后裔中。

    Tay-Sachs is most common among Askenazi Jews and French Canadian populations , while cystic fibrosis is mostly seen in people of Northern European descent .

  8. 虽然如此,新奥尔良却吸引了各类的移民包括法裔加拿大人、来自欧洲的法国人及奴隶、北美印第安人及少数的英国白种殖民者。

    Despite this , the city attracted a wide range of peoples , including Canadian and European French , slaves , American Indians , and a few white British settlers .

  9. 19世纪下半叶至20世纪初,大量工人从四面八方涌入曼彻斯特,其中包括许多从加拿大法语区南下的法裔加拿大人。

    Half of the19th century to early20th century , the influx of large numbers of workers from all over Manchester , including many from Canada 's French-speaking south of the French Canadians .

  10. 举例说明欧洲大陆和法裔加拿大人坚持他们自己的母语,以及美国的非洲后裔如何创造出自己的黑话来得到文化认同感。

    Even where no distinct language exists , people will invent one to gain a sense of cultural identity , as the emergence of the distinct Ebonic cant among today 's African Americans aptly illustrates .

  11. 由于只有少数从加拿大东部迁宋的法裔加拿大人,因此除了在埃德蒙顿北部有几个双语种小镇之外,该省所使用的主要语言是英语。

    As only a small number were French Canadians , who migrated to Alberta from the eastern part of Canada , the major language spoken in the province is English , with the exception of a few bilingual towns north of Edmonton .