
  • 网络the rule of law;Society Ruled by Law;law-ruled society
  1. 纲要提出了建设法治社会的指导思想、主要原则以及总体目标。

    The document puts forth the guiding thoughts , primary principles and overall goals for building a society based on the rule of law in China .

  2. 检察监督权在现代法治社会是不可或缺的。

    The procuratorial authority to supervise is indispensable to the modern society of rule of law .

  3. 然而,为了适应法治社会价值多元化、社会主体纠纷解决需求的多元化、合理分配利用司法资源,就必须建立一个以司法诉讼为核心,非诉讼纠纷解决方式(ADR)为辅助的多元化纠纷解决机制。

    The diversified dispute resolution system , however , is much more suitable for the social needs and better to distribute the judicial resources . It is composed of the judicial litigation as the core and alternative dispute resolution ( ADR ) .

  4. 保障男女双方的生育权,是实现男女平等的具体表现,也是现代法治社会不可回避的问题。

    And is also an unavoidable problem in modern legal society .

  5. 关于法治社会警察权的几点思考

    On some considerations about police rights of rule of law society

  6. 这与建设法治社会的要求是相悖的。

    All this collides with the request of building legal society .

  7. 公正是执法和司法活动中不可或缺的基本价值观念,司法公正是法治社会的基本要求,是实现社会公平与正义的保障。

    Impartiality is indispensable basic value in enforcement and judicature act .

  8. 现代社会是法治社会。

    Modern society is a society under the rule of law .

  9. 民间组织的形成,对构建法治社会具有重要的法治意义。

    The forming of Non-governmental organization has important law meaning .

  10. 论法治社会中的司法自由裁量权

    On the Judicial Discretion in a Society Ruled by Law

  11. 法乌司密斯文化期工艺现代法治社会的真谛是司法独立。

    The true meaning of the modern law society is judiciary independence .

  12. 法治社会是现代国家的重要标志。

    Constitutional society is a key sign of modern country .

  13. 构建法治社会的道德体系

    The Construction of Moral System in the Society of Rule of Law

  14. 和谐社会必定是法治社会

    The Harmonious Society Must Be A Society Governed By Law

  15. 法律统一是法治社会的基本前提。

    The legal unity is also the basic prerequisite of the rule-of-law society .

  16. 论法治社会权力与权利关系的理性定位

    On Reasonable Position Between Power and Rights in a Rule of Law Society

  17. 法治社会建构过程中的观念冲突与协调

    Conflict and Coordination of Ideas in the Process of Building Up Law Society

  18. 现代法治社会的刑法理念

    The Present Criminal theory in Modern Law Society

  19. 论法治社会的法律统一

    On the Legal Unity in the Rule-of-Law Society

  20. 因此,警察社会与法治社会往往是相对立的,警察社会一般意味着权力大于法律,权力缺乏制约;

    Therefore , the police society is opposite to the society governed by law .

  21. 当然,这一切需要有法治社会作为前提。

    Of course , this all presumes a society based on rule of law .

  22. 中国目前正处于由计划经济向市场经济、由人治社会向法治社会转轨的过程中。

    China is now in the course of turning planned economy into market economy .

  23. 中国正朝着法治社会的方向艰难地行进着。

    China is marching forward to the world of the rule of law difficultly .

  24. 中国社会正是朝着法治社会不断进步。

    Chinese society is the continuous progress towards the rule of law in society .

  25. 论法治社会私法的非优位性&对公、私法定位的再反思

    On Non - priority of Private Law in Rule - of - law Society

  26. 法治社会需要法治人格。

    A Society ruled by law requires the law and order personality of its citizens .

  27. 信用是市场经济的基石,是法治社会的内在品质。

    Credit is the cornerstone of market economy and the internal character of legal society .

  28. 构建和谐的法治社会的几点思考

    Thinking of Constructing Harmonious and Legal Society

  29. 权利文化是依法治国的文化根基,是法治社会形成的人文条件。

    This is the demand of protecting cultural rights of the ethic minorities by law .

  30. 公力救济是法治社会实现债权的最好方式。

    Public remedy is the best way to realize the creditor 's right in legal society .