
  • 网络The concept of rule of law;ideology of constitutionality
  1. 法治理念与人格权

    The Concept of Rule by Law and the Rights of Personality

  2. 论依法治国的法治理念行政执法中的法治理念探究

    On the Notion of Ruling by Law in the Running China

  3. 法治理念下的行政行为

    Definition of Administrative Act under the Concept of Rule of Law

  4. 以人为本法律价值探究及其法治理念构建

    " People-oriented " Legal Values Research and Its Legal Concept Construction

  5. 西方中世纪的神学法治理念

    The Theological Jurisprudence in the Middle Ages in the Western countries

  6. 社会主义法治理念可概括为5项基本内涵:即依法治国、执法为民、公平正义、服务大局、党的领导。

    The socialism law governing idea includes five basic connotations .

  7. 现代行政法治理念概述

    A general review on concepts of modern administrative law

  8. 论社会主义法治理念的形成和发展

    The Formation and Evolution of the Socialist Idea of the Rule of Law

  9. 深入开展社会主义法治理念教育推动劳教工作全面发展

    Conducting In-depth Socialist Legal Conception Education and Promoting the Overall Development of Reform-through-labour

  10. 树立法治理念推进改革发展

    Setting Law Government Idea and Enhancing Reform and Development

  11. 社会主义法治理念下对我国检察权制约机制的审视

    Scanning the Restriction System of Chinese Procuratorial Power under Socialist Rule of Law

  12. 中国古代刑法文化与现代法治理念的架构

    China Ancient Times Criminal Law Culture and Modern Government by Law Idea Construction

  13. 立足工作实际开展社会主义法治理念教育

    Conduction Socialist Legal Conception Education based on Practical Work

  14. 牢固树立社会主义法治理念依法履行司法行政各项职能

    Upholding Socialist Legal Conception and Performing the Functions of Judicial Administration according to Law

  15. 社会主义法治理念的提出,是马克思主义法律观中国化的最新理论成果。

    Socialist legal concept is the sinicization of Marxist legal concept latest theoretical achievements .

  16. 论法治理念在意识形态领域中的地位

    Role of Legal State Idea in Ideology Field

  17. 以社会主义法治理念推进法治城市建设

    Promoting the Construction of a City under the Rule of Law through Socialist Legal Concepts

  18. 任务繁重多样,法律规范不断完善,法治理念不断强化的治安行政等四个不同的时期。

    Fulfilling various tasks and perfecting laws and regulations and strengthening the concept of monocracy .

  19. 强化法治理念,建设社会主义法治国家;

    The concept of ruling by law shall be aggrandized to build a socialist legal state ;

  20. 开展具有司法行政特色的社会主义法治理念教育

    Carrying out the Socialist Rule of Law Concept Education with the Characteristics of the Judicial Administration

  21. 论法治理念

    On Ideas of Rule of Law

  22. 交通事故认定书这一尴尬的局面与现代法治理念是相违背的。

    Traffic accident this embarrassing situation is contrary with the modern concept of the rule of law .

  23. 法治理念与人格权用益物权的概念应当体现其质的规定性,界定科学;

    The Concept of Rule by Law and the Rights of Personality the concept with its quality ;

  24. 社会主义法治理念教育是中央政法委在全国政法系统开展的一项重要活动。

    Socialism rule of law education is an important activity that launched by Politics and Law Committee .

  25. 契合与悖反:中国传统法律思想与现代法治理念之比较

    Agreement with and Rebellion against : The Comparison of Traditional Chinese Law Thought and the Modern Law Concept

  26. 古典的法治理念和学说脱胎于希腊时期人文思想的襁褓。

    Classical notions and doctrines of constitutionality developed out of the infancy of humane spirits at the Greek age .

  27. 日本农地保护的法治理念主要体现在其土地征用制度、土地交易制度及土地整理方面。

    The concept to protect rural land in Japan is shown as land requisition system , and land consolidation .

  28. 这区别于当今社会主义法治理念下的和谐观。

    This differentiates the harmonious Taoist temple that idea goes down in socialism rule by law in the nowadays .

  29. 逻辑判断在司法三段论中的意义是:体现现代法治理念;

    In judicial syllogism , the significance of logic-judgment is : to embody the philosophy of governing by law ;

  30. 法治理念与契约理念有着异曲同工之妙,二者互为基础;

    The ideas of rule of law and contract are similar , and they are the basis of each other .