
  • 网络the power of legal interpretation;legal interpretation
  1. 法律解释权无论怎么运行,都必须以法律为根据,法律渊源成为法律解释权的最明显的限制。

    No matter how to be exercised , the power of legal interpretation must be based on the law , so the sources of law becomes the obvious restriction to the power of legal interpretation .

  2. 最后,只有司法机关能够行使法律解释权。

    Lastly , only judiciary can hold the power of legal interpretation .

  3. 论法官法律解释权的合理性

    On the Rationality of Judges ' Delivery of Legal Explanation

  4. 罗马的司法者一度拥有法律解释权。

    The judiciary had the power of legal interpretation for a time .

  5. 司法机关行使法律解释权是权力分工制约的体现。

    Judiciary holds the power of legal interpretation shows the power abruption .

  6. 论法官在行政司法审查中的法律解释权

    On Judges ' Power of Interpretation of Laws in Investigation of Administrative Judicature

  7. 法律解释权是权力而非权利,它是特定主体所享有的对法律和事实进行解释说明的权力。

    The power of legal interpretation is the power , not the right .

  8. 首先考察了西方法律解释权配置的历史演变过程。

    Firstly , the thesis reviews the historical evolvement process of the collocation in Occident .

  9. 支持立法机关行使法律解释权的根据是不能成立的。

    Those excuses that claim legislature to hold the power of legal interpretation can not come into existence .

  10. 行政机关的社会角色决定了它行使法律解释权会带来执法的不公正。

    The social role of administration decides that it hold the power of legal will lead to unfair .

  11. 其中由独立的司法机关行使法律解释权,已经成为两大法系法律解释体制发展的一个基本方向。

    Then legal interpretation exercise of independent judicial organs has become a basic direction of the major legal systems .

  12. 原因在于:(1)行政机关行使法律解释权违背权力分立的原则。

    The reasons are those : ( 1 ) Administration holds the power of legal interpretation violates the principle of power abruption .

  13. 立法机关作出的解释最终还要面临被解释的命运,它行使法律解释权没有意义。

    The interpretation by legislature would be interpreted at last , so it hold the power of legal interpretation has no sense .

  14. 法律解释权的运行是从法律发现开始的,发现权成为法律解释权的首要内容。

    Discovery power is the beginning of the power of legal interpretation , so it becomes the first content of the power of legal interpretation .

  15. 法律解释权的这种配置是不合理的,存在着许多问题:如法律解释权配置混乱,不承认法官的法律解释权,等等。

    This collocation is irrational . A lot of problems appear , such as confusion of collocation , denial of the judges'power of legal interpretation , etc.

  16. 与罗马法受到高度关注形成鲜明对比的是,罗马法中法律解释权的配置问题没有受到应有的重视。

    In sharp contrast with high level concern about Roman law , the distribution of Roman law 's power of legal interpretation has not been given due attention .

  17. 事实也会成为法律解释权的对象,法官对事实的认定和阐发事实的意义的过程就是对事实的解释过程。

    The facts can also become the object of the power of legal interpretation , the course that judge cognize facts and clarify facts ' sense is the course that judge interpret the facts .

  18. 法律解释权和立法权都是依法行使的权力,都在创制规范,分配相对人的权利和义务,并以正义为自己的最高追求目标。

    The power of legal interpretation and legislative power are both exercised according to law , they both create criterion , both distribute the rights and obligations of relative person , and justice is their common the highest aim .

  19. 这就导致一个错误结论:法官、学者和普通公民没有法律解释权,不能进行法律解释。

    The first is that , if the legal interpretation is solely confined into the interpretation made by government agency with binding effect , that will lead to a wrong conclusion that is , lawyers and the public should not interpret the law .

  20. 宪法和法律的解释权。

    Interpretation of the Constitution and laws .

  21. 谁来解释法律&关于我国法律解释权配置的思考

    Who Interpret The Law

  22. 我国法律应明确授予法官以法律解释权。

    Laws in our country should grant judges the right of legal explanation .

  23. 授予法官适用法律时的裁量权&法律解释权。

    Award judges the right to choose the applicable law-the right to interpret law .

  24. 对于发现的结果,法官要结合案件事实阐明其法律意义,阐明权成为法律解释权的第二个内容。

    Combined with the facts , judge should clarify the legal sense of the law discovered , so clarifying power becomes the second content of the power of legal interpretation .

  25. 正式解释即正式法律解释,是指由拥有法律解释权的主体做出的、具有法律效力的法律解释,是法律解释的核心和最重要的组成部分。

    As the core and the most critical component of legal interpretation , formal interpretation means formal legal interpretation , or the legal interpretation with binding legal force given by subjects with legal power to interpret .

  26. 该章分为四节,分别探讨了WTO争端解决中法律解释之含义、WTO法律解释主体解释权之性质、WTO争端解决中法律解释之必要性以及WTO争端解决中法律解释之性质等问题。

    This chapter includes five sections , which respectively discuss the definition of legal interpretation , the characteristics of legal interpretation and its right and the necessity of legal interpretation .

  27. 原因在于:(1)法律解释活动的本性要求司法机关行使法律解释权。(2)司法机关行使法律解释权是法律适用的必然要求。

    The reasons are those : ( 1 ) The nature of legal interpretation demands judiciary to interpret the law . ( 2 ) Judiciary holds the power of legal interpretation is the inevitable demand by applying law .

  28. 《法律解释法》的制定将改变我国以前法律解释权制度及立法的混乱状况,使新的法律解释权制度的运作有一个明确的法律依据,以促进整个法律解释制度的不断完善。

    Enacting the Law will change the confusion existed in the previous system and law about the power of legal interpretation and afford a clear legal basis for the running of the new system , then promote the incessant improving of the whole legal interpretation system .

  29. 但是,由于社会稳定这一法律概念的不确定性,行政机关在信息公开过程中往往会滥用法律解释权,以危及社会稳定为借口拒绝公开政府信息。

    However , due to uncertainty of the legal concept of social stability , executive authorities often abuse the right to interpret the law , and refuse disclosure of government information on the excuse of threatening social stability .

  30. 所阐明的法律意义能否成立,法官需要以论证的姿态予以回答,论证权成为法律解释权的第三个内容。

    Whether the legal sense clarified by judge can come into existence , needs judge to argue , so argumentation power becomes the third content of legal interpretation .