
fǎ lǜ zhí yè dào dé
  • legal ethics
  1. 实践教学在法学教育中有利于促进教师不断更新法律知识,培养学生学习的主动性和积极性,培养学生的实践能力,促进学生法律职业道德的形成。

    Practice teaching in law education can constantly promote teachers ' legal literacy , train students ' learning initiatively and positively , help students develop their practical abilities , and promote the formation of students ' legal ethics .

  2. 论法律职业道德教育

    On the Professional Training of Morality in Law

  3. 因此,认真界定法律职业道德教育的内涵以及充分认识高校法学教育中法律职业道德教育的必要性,探索法律职业道德教育的途径具有非常重要的现实意义。

    Therefore , it is of great practical significance to carefully define the meaning , to fully understand the necessity , and to explore ways of legal professional ethics education in the university .

  4. 法律人职业道德研究(上)

    The Studies on the Professional Ethics of the Legal Practitioners ( Part ⅰ)

  5. 遵守宪法、法律和职业道德,为人师表;

    To abide by the Constitution , laws and professional ethics , and be paragons of virtue and learning ;

  6. 欧洲文化,服务管理,餐饮服务的法律和职业道德轮该方案的理论部分。

    European culture , service management , food service law and professional ethics round up the theoretical part of the program .

  7. 会计教学中必须加强法律规范和职业道德的教育

    Strengthening the Education of Laws and Regulations and Professional Morality in Accounting Teaching

  8. 让学生了解目前的各种会计法律法规及职业道德准则规范。

    Let student to learn the all current sorts of accounting laws , regulations and professional ethical standards .

  9. 严格的法律;严谨的职业道德;对酒的严格禁止;她的行为决不是严谨的。

    Blue laws ; the puritan work ethic ; puritanic distaste for alcohol ; she was anything but puritanical in her behavior .

  10. 我们不仅致力于从字面上,更从实质上完全遵循监管我们的法律、规章和职业道德准则。

    We are dedicated to complying fully with the letter and spirit of the laws , rules and ethical principles that govern us .

  11. 它的发生与教师的法律意识淡薄、职业道德素养低下、教育艺术缺乏等因素有关。

    Its emergence is relevant to some factors that the teachers'legal consciousness is faint , professional ethics accomplishment is low , educational art is lack etc.

  12. 究其原因,主要在于我国经济制度安排、法律法规建设和职业道德建设未能跟上时代的要求。

    The major causes are that the financial and accounting systems , the legal system and the code of professional honesty fail to keep pace with the times .

  13. 国家司法考试的内容包括:理论法学、应用法学、现行法律规定、法律实务和法律职业道德。

    The contents of the State judicial examination shall include : theoretical jurisprudence , applied jurisprudence , existing legal provisions , legal practice and legal profession moralities .

  14. 完整的法律职业调控机制是由法律、法律职业伦理和法律职业道德三个不同层面的调控机制构成的调控体系。

    The complete law-occupation adjustment mechanism is a system composed of three different levels : the law , the law-occupation ethics and the law-occupation morals .

  15. 为防止这一情况的再次发生,有必要加强公众法律知识的普及,加强法院办案人员的法律理论及职业道德教育。

    In order to avoid such things happen , it is necessary to intensify the law knowledge in the public and reinforce the education of law theory and occupation moral among the personnel who handle the cases .

  16. 但是由于律师行业的法律规范还不够完善,在实际运作中时常会出现律师违反法律规定,违背职业道德的行为;

    However , due to the legal profession of legal norms is still not perfect , in the actual operation will occur from time to time lawyers violate the law , acts contrary to professional ethics ;

  17. 诊所法律教育通过平等对话的教学模式和身临其境的教学环境,有利于对学生法律职业道德的培养,并对法制建设有着重要的影响。

    Through the teaching model of equal dialogue and teaching situation of self participations , clinical legal education is helpful for the training of students ' professional morals and has important effect on the construction of legal system .

  18. 法律伦理包括蕴含在法律制度中的制度伦理与法律职业者在职业活动中的法律行为伦理即职业道德两部分。

    Law ethics include institutional ethics contained in the legal system and legal act ethics , namely professional morals , which occurs in the professional activities of the law practitioners .

  19. 法律教育作为培养法制国家中法律人才的主要途径,不仅要关注法律人才职业技能的培养,更要关注法律人才职业道德素质的塑造。

    Legal education may , as a main approach of developing legal talents in ruled-by-law countries , not only develop the legal-talents ' professional skills , but also pay more attention to cultivation of their moral-qualities .

  20. 法律诊所教学方法能激发学生的主体意识和主动性,有助于培养学生的创新能力,有利于培养学生的法律职业道德意识,能促进立法的不断完善。

    By applying law creative ability and sense of professional legal morality , our legislation will be changed for the better .