
fǎ lǜ shì jiàn
  • legal matter ;legal event
  1. 法律事件应称作法律事实事件。

    Legal events ought to be called legal fact events .

  2. 未决的法律事件会通过妥协来解决。

    Legal matters that have been pending may be alleviated through compromise .

  3. 然而,这些新型的借贷平台正在卷入一些法律事件。

    However , these new lending platforms have run into some legal issues .

  4. 与法律事件相关的幸运也在飙升。

    Your luck in legal matters soars .

  5. 遇有重大或突发法律事件出现,乙方应保证有律师到场。

    In case of emergency , Party B shall ensure its lawyer 's presence at site .

  6. 据上海市青少年服务热线统计,近期,校园暴力事件占青少年法律事件总数的14%。

    According to the Shanghai Youth Service Hotline , campus violence accounts for 14 percent of recent youth cases .

  7. 死亡问题,是每一个活着的人所不可回避的问题,人之死亡,作为一个重要法律事件,必将会引起与之相关的许多法律后果。

    Death , as an important legal case , is an unavoidable problem to every one alive and will lead to many of the relevant legal consequences .

  8. 同时本文在注重理论探讨的同时,还评析了1978年以来发生的关涉中国法观念变迁的部分重大法律事件。

    Apart from focusing on the theoretical problems , the article also comments and analysis some significant legal events concerning on the changes of legal concepts since 1978 .

  9. 研究人员发现,欧洲人权法院(ECtHR)的审判与非法律事件息息相关,而不是直接基于法律证据。

    The researchers found that judgements by the European Court of Human Rights ( ECtHR ) are highly linked to non-legal facts , rather than directly legal arguments .

  10. 聚众犯罪是广义群体性法律事件的重要组成部分,梳理聚众犯罪的基本问题将为开展群体性法律事件的刑法应对研究奠定坚实基础。

    Mob crime is a broad group of legal events important part of the sort of crime mob will carry out the basic issues of criminal incidents of group should study the law to lay a solid foundation .

  11. 因此,切实维护当事人的合法权益,彻底终结非正常法律事件,既是对公民基本权利的尊重,也是对中国法治的尊重,更是对未来社会的尊重。

    Therefore , safeguard the legitimate rights and interests , a complete end up to the uncommon incident , not only to respect the fundamental rights of citizens , but also respect for the rule of law in China , but also the respect of future society .

  12. 法律事实事件是当事人无法预见,不可克服、不可避免的法律事实。

    Legal fact events are unpredictable , uncontrollable and inevitable legal facts .

  13. 我们有多元法律部门调查事件背景。

    We 've got multi-agency law enforcement running canvass .

  14. 刑法机器不再单靠法律,违法事件与刑事责任能力人就能运作。

    The penal machine can no longer function simply with a law , a violation and a responsible party .

  15. 对于那些法律以外的事件,我们又该如何处理面对它们的责任归属?

    And how are we going to assign what the responsibility and the causes are , outside of a court of law ?

  16. 但与此同时,医疗单位管理是一个具有高度专业性的管理工作,民营医院的投资人往往不具有从事医疗管理的专业素养,由于经营管理不善,赔钱关门甚至受到法律制裁的事件也屡见不鲜。

    But at the same time , the management of medical unit is a very professional management job , private hospital investors often do not have engaged in medical management professional accomplishment .

  17. 这使得与信用衍生产品相关的法律纠纷和金融事件时有发生。

    Legal disputes and financial incidents that are related to credit derivatives always happened .

  18. 法律允许我们释放事件的状态,信息只是为了申请,请愿人,律师(记录)和国会办公室。

    The law permits us to release case status information only to applicants , petitioners , lawyers ( of record ) and Congressional offices .

  19. 作为法律事实的法律事实事件与作为免责事由的不可抗力或意外事件并无实质区别。

    The legal fact events as legal facts are in essence not different from the inevitable or accidental incidents .

  20. 此外,法律体系以及发生的和法律有关的事件是记者的主要工作项目。

    Furthermore , the legal system and the events which occur within it are primary subjects for journalists .

  21. 许多法律人类学家继而转向描述法律案件或者政治事件的具体过程。

    Many legal anthropologists turned to the description of the concrete process of legal cases or political events .

  22. 法律事实是依据法律规范能够引起特定法律后果的事件和行为,但作为规范的法律事实与判决中的法律事实是两个极为不同的概念。

    Juristic facts are events and acts that can produce legal consequence , but the juristic facts as norm and the juristic facts in verdict are two different concepts .

  23. 梁日明是另类法律论坛(ALF)的发起人之一,这是一个热衷于社会-法律事件的律师团体。

    Lawrence Liang is one of the co-founders of Alternative law Forum ( ALF ), a collective of lawyers working on various socio-legal issues .

  24. 公民参与司法活动指普通公民以特定法律实践相关者的身份参与到司法案件的审判、监督以及相关的调节过程之中,从而使该法律事件得到相对公正的处理。

    Citizens ' participation in judicial activities means that ordinary citizens associating with specific legal practices actively get involved in judicial trials , supervision and regulation , and processing , so that the legal incidents are relatively fairly resolved .