
fǎ dìnɡ zhí zé
  • Statutory duties;lawful duties
  1. 主管部门未履行自己的法定职责。

    The authority failed to carry out its statutory duties .

  2. 主管部门未履行自己的法定职责。

    The Authority failed to carry out its statutory duties .

  3. 不按照本法规定履行法定职责的;

    Fail to perform the legal obligations according to the provisions hereunder ;

  4. 关于强制履行法定职责的若干问题的探讨

    Questions on Compelling Administrative Subjects to Perform Legal Duties

  5. 工会的法定职责&从工会法的修正看工会职责的变化

    On the Legal Responsibility of A Labor Union

  6. 市场监管是工商行政管理部门的法定职责,是工商行政管理工作的基石。

    Market supervision is the statutory responsibilities and cornerstone of the Industry and Commerce Administration .

  7. 主要表现在:审判委员会履行法定职责不够全面;

    They mainly lie on : the trial committee does not perform the statutory duty well .

  8. 上诉法院法官裁定被告没有不履行他的法定职责。

    11.The appeal judge held that the defendant was not in breach of his statutory duty .

  9. 这与美联储的法定职责相一致,有助于促进最大限度的就业与物价稳定。

    This is also consistent with its statutory mandate , to foster maximum employment and price stability .

  10. 行政不作为是指行政主体负有作为的法定职责(或职权),应当履行且有可能履行而消极地不为的行为形式。构成行政不作为必须具备三个方面的要件:主体为行政主体;

    Administrative negative crime means the administrative body has the legal responsibility of doing something but does negatively .

  11. 通情达理的人在一定境况下所作的看护工作;判定法定职责的标准。

    The care that a reasonable man would exercise under the circumstances ; the standard for determining legal duty .

  12. 但若行政主体不履行法定职责,消极地不作为时,法律为享有接受给付权的人民提供何种救济呢?

    But if administrative agency should not exercises their authorities or passively omit tasks , how does legal supply remedy ?

  13. 强制履行法定职责是对行政主体的失职行为追究法律责任的一种形式。

    It is a form of holding administrative subjects responsible for their misfeasance to compel administrative subjects to perform legal duties .

  14. 我们或许能够通过将保护存款指定为零售银行行长们的法定职责,来进一步强化上述措施的力度。

    These measures might be reinforced by a statutory duty on the directors of the retail bank to protect its deposits .

  15. 申请行政机关履行保护人身权、财产权的法定职责

    An administrative organ perform its statutory duty of protecting one 's rights of the person and of property as one has applied for

  16. 被申请人不履行法定职责的,决定其在一定期限内履行;

    The applied who fails to perform the statutory duties shall be required to perform the duties within a fixed time by decision ;

  17. 被告不履行法定职责,但判决责令其履行法定职责已无实际意义的;

    The defendant defaulted in performing its legal duty , but it has become practically insignificant to rule for specific performance of its legal duty ;

  18. 除了确保外汇基金履行本身的法定职责外,金管局的日常工作,主要是积极管理外汇基金的资产。

    Apart from ensuring that the Fund meets its statutory roles , the HKMA 's principal day-to-day activity is the management of the Fund 's assets .

  19. 承担赔偿责任的侵权行为应有不履行法定职责的行为即不作为;

    Undertaking the infringement behavior that compensates duty should have the behavior of the nonperformance legal job , namely , " not be in duty " ;

  20. 警察谋略,是警察为执行其法定职责,针对各种对抗法律和警察执行职责的人和事,而进行的方法策略性思维谋划活动。

    Police strategy is strategic thinking activity done by police to execute legal responsibilities against all kinds of persons or matters confronting laws and police executing responsibilities .

  21. 怠于履行义务的行为,既有客观行为形式,也有主观过错的性质,比不履行法定职责的概念更全面科学;

    Being remiss in obligation , which embodies in not only objective act form , but also subjective faults , is more scientific than not to perform function .

  22. 摘要未成年学生伤害事故中,学校作为伤害事故的责任主体,主观上应有过错,客观上须违反了对学生应承担的法定职责。

    In the harmful accident of underage student , the school which are the liability subject should have subjective offence and act against objectively legal liability to the student .

  23. (三)被告不履行或者拖延履行法定职责的,判决其在一定期限内履行。

    If a defendant fails to perform or delays the performance of his statutory duty , a fixed time shall be set by judgment for his performance of the duty .

  24. 环境信息公开的架构为基于环境信息请求权的被动公开和基于政府法定职责与企业社会责任的主动公开。

    Its structure is passive opening if it is based on the request of environmental information or initiative opening if on government 's legal duty and social responsibility of enterprise .

  25. (六)由于法定职责而参与证券交易的社会中介机构或者证券登记结算机构、证券交易服务机构的有关人员;

    Personnel of intermediary organs , organs of securities registration and settlement , and organs providing security exchange services , who take part in securities trading because of their official responsibilities ;

  26. 鉴于机关的财力总是有限,且通常不足以完成所有的法定职责,考虑决策程序的效率必不可免。

    Since agency resources are always limited and usually insufficient to accomplish the full range of duties imposed by statute , it becomes necessary to consider the efficiency of decisionmaking procedures .

  27. 政府若是不履行其法定职责时,应依法承担职责不履行的不利后果,这是必然的逻辑。

    If the Government is not fulfilling its statutory duties , its responsibilities should be in accordance with the law of the adverse consequences of non-performance . This is an inevitable logic .

  28. 在行政管理实践中,公务员执行上级决定和命令是其法定职责,这是贯彻落实上级决策和保证行政效率的必然要求。

    In the administrative practice , the execution of a superior civil servants decision or order is not only their statutory duties , but also a necessary requirement to implementation and insurance of administrative efficiency .

  29. 为证券发行出具有关文件的专业机构和人员,必须严格履行法定职责,保证其所出具文件的真实性、准确性和完整性。

    The special organizations and personnel in charge of issuing relevant documents for securities issuance must strictly execute their legal duties , and ensure that the documents issued by them are truthful , accurate , and complete .

  30. (五)申请行政机关履行保护人身权、财产权的法定职责,行政机关拒绝履行或者不予答复的;

    Refusal by an administrative organ to perform its statutory duty of protecting one 's rights of the person and of property , as one has applied for , or its failure to respond to the application ;