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  • statutory sentence
  1. 法定刑设置单一,刑期过低。

    Statutory Sentence set up a single , low sentence .

  2. 而且在法定刑方面,应对本罪增设罚金刑,以增加对犯罪份子的震慑力,与国际接轨。

    But also in the statutory sentence , it should add the crime of criminal fine , to increase the deterrent effect on criminals , and international practice .

  3. 最后一个问题是法定刑的设置。

    The last question is the legal punishment of the setting .

  4. 结果加重犯内在关系及法定刑配置之思考

    Pondering over the Inner Relations and Statutory Sentence of Aggravated Offense

  5. 强调对业务过失加重法定刑的观念;

    Emphasizing ideas of weighing the prescribed punishment in professional negligence ;

  6. 指出对经济犯罪适用死刑在理论上违反了罪刑等价原则,违反了法定刑配置的合理性。

    The critique of the capital punishment on economic crime .

  7. 首先,要明确法定刑的概念。

    First , the concept of punishment should be confirmed .

  8. 交通肇事罪法定刑的设置;

    For example , how to design legal penalty of this crime ;

  9. 应提高保险诈骗罪的法定刑;

    The legal punishment of it should be enhanced ;

  10. 贪污罪法定刑的配置和完善

    Distribution and Improvement of Legal Sentence of Corruption Crime

  11. 完善修改渎职罪的法定刑。

    Fifth , the perfect punishment to the crime of dereliction of duty changes .

  12. 受贿罪法定刑之评析与探讨

    Analysis And Discussion On Legal Penalty For Bribery

  13. 因此,可以考虑在受贿罪的法定刑中增设管制刑。

    Therefore , we can consider to add an additional punishment to control criminal .

  14. 三是关于受贿罪法定刑之刑种选置的反思。

    The third is about the reflection on criminal bribery species of legal punishment .

  15. 二是法定刑刑种单一。

    Kind of the statutory punishment is single .

  16. 二是重点论述了绑架罪的法定刑,作者认为绑架罪的起点刑过高且有不合理之处。

    Second , the minimum sentence for crime of kidnapping is too high and unreasonable .

  17. 在法定刑方面,应把本罪的法定刑适当提高。

    In legal punishment , the legal punishment of the crime should be properly improved .

  18. 谨慎对待过失危险犯的法定刑配置问题;

    Prudently dealing with the problems of allocating the prescribed punishment in negligent danger crime ;

  19. 最后,法定刑设置的依据问题是全文的理论核心。

    Finally , basic of setting punishment is the theory core of the whole article .

  20. 贪污罪法定刑研究。

    The study of its penalty .

  21. 在法定刑上,拒不支付行为人只部分支付,不构成减轻事由。

    On legal punishment , actors only pay part that does not constitute a reduced reason .

  22. 可以说,社会危害性是法定刑设置的前提和依据。

    It can be said that social harm is the premise and basis of setting punishment .

  23. 在法定刑的方面,改变其作为重罪的要求,转向适当的刑罚。

    In the aspects of legal penalty , we should make the penalty of this kind criminal appropriate .

  24. 在对行贿罪量刑时,应根据行贿罪的不同情节确定不同的法定刑。

    While sentencing offering bribes , shall confirm different legal punishment according to distinctive circumstances of offering bribes .

  25. 首先是法定刑对定罪的影响;其次是特殊减刑权对定罪的影响。

    The influence of legal sentence over conviction is followed by that of special right for commutation over conviction .

  26. 因此,财产损失与人员伤亡不能适用相同的法定刑,而应分别规定。

    Therefore , property loss and casualty should not apply the same statutory sentences , but be prescribed respectively .

  27. 分析了消防责任事故罪在客观方面和刑罚种类、法定刑方面存在的问题。

    Analysis of fire accidents in the objective aspect of crime and punishment type of problems in legal punishment .

  28. 但这样的规定存有一些不足,因此,笔者建议,适当提高交通肇事罪的法定刑。

    There are some inadequacies , so the author suggests an appropriate increase of legal punishment in the traffic crime .

  29. 同时,如果为他人谋取不正当利益,其法定刑又应重于为他人谋取正当利益。

    Meanwhile , if the people seek illegitimate benefits , they will be punished more severe than seeking legitimate benefits .

  30. 与刑法的基本原则不同,在法定刑的设置过程中应当有独立的原则。

    Different to the basic principles of criminal law , it has its independent principles in legislation of criminal responsibility .