
fǎ xué yuàn
  • law school;faculty of law
  1. 19世纪初开设了神学院、法学院和医学院。

    The early19th century opened a seminary , and the Faculty of Law , Faculty of Medicine .

  2. 工学学士-土木工程(法学)课程由工程学院与法学院合办:毕业生可同时获颁发工学学士学位及法学士学位。

    For BENG ( CivE-Law )( offered jointly by the Faculty of Engineering and the Faculty of Law ): Bachelor of Laws degree ;

  3. 他在法学院结识了他未来的妻子。

    He met his future wife at law school .

  4. 他取得了法学院的学籍。

    He secured himself a place at law school .

  5. 她去年毕业于法学院。

    She finished law school last year .

  6. 他是哈佛大学法学院的刑法学教授。

    He was a professor of criminal law at Harvard University law school

  7. 我和他都在耶鲁法学院读书的时候,在纽黑文合租了一个房间。

    I had roomed with him in New Haven when we were both at Yale Law School .

  8. 在法学院的最后一年,他开始着手实践自己的摇滚梦想。

    He began living out his rock ' n ' roll fantasy during his last year in law school

  9. 1952年,桑德拉•戴•奥康纳以全班第三的好成绩在斯坦福大学法学院(StanfordLawSchool)毕业,可由于她是女性,没有律师事务所愿意雇她。

    When Sandra Day O'Connor finished third in her class at Stanford Law School , in 1952 , she could not find work at a law firm because she was a woman .

  10. 他在法学院读了三年。

    He went to the school of law for three years .

  11. 我是你法学院的同学希拉,好久没联系了!

    It 's me Sheila from law school - long time no speak !

  12. 通过奖学金和学生贷款,他完成了大学学业,之后进入了哈佛大学法学院。

    He worked his way through college with the help of scholarships and student loans and went on to Harvard Law School .

  13. 他的雄心也体现在了学术方面,他以优等生的身份从哈佛大学法学院(harvardlawschool)毕业。

    His ambition carried over into academia where he graduated magnum Cum Laude from Harvard Law School .

  14. 哈佛法学院高材生莫德里克曾在ContrarianCapitalManagement资本管理公司从事不良股票交易。

    Harvard Law grad mudrick was previously at contrarian capital management , where he traded distressed equities .

  15. 在被调查的500位CEO中,174位有工商管理的硕士,59位有法学院的学位。

    Of the500 CEOs in question , 174 have M.B.A.s and59 have law degrees .

  16. 本文作者为哈佛法学院(Harvardlawschool)教授,2009年获普利策(PulitzerPrize)历史奖

    The writer is a professor at Harvard Law School and winner of the 2009 Pulitzer Prize in History

  17. 麦肯锡在学报文章中概述的另一种选择则是仿效西点军校(WestPoint)等美国军事院校的方式建设法学院。

    Another alternative , he outlines in his journal article , would be to develop law schools modeled after American military academies such as West Point .

  18. 两人都毕业于极具声望的北京大学法学院(pekinguniversitylawschool),却走上了截然不同的职业道路,得到的回报也有天壤之别。

    Both graduated from the prestigious Peking University Law School , but they have followed very different career paths and been rewarded in very different ways .

  19. 华盛顿与李大学法学院(WashingtonandLeeLawSchool)采取的对策则是修订了三年级的规划,让学生可以进入校内法律诊所或者校外单位实习。

    Washington and Lee Law School adopted a revamped third year approach , so students can work at law clinics or internships at outside locations .

  20. 经由日本法律理出其社会奥秘的头绪,正是密歇根法学院教授markwest的专长。

    Teasing out the mysteries of Japanese society by way of its statutes is the speciality of mark West , a professor at Michigan Law School .

  21. 去年12月,耶鲁大学法学院(YaleLawSchool)发表了一份研究报告称,在回应他们调查的学生中,有70%受到心理健康问题的影响。

    In December , Yale Law School released a study that said 70 percent of students there who responded to a survey were affected by mental health issues .

  22. 安吉拉•布莱利出生于达拉斯,在德州理工大学(TexasTechUniversity)获得学士学位之后继续前往南卫理公会大学法学院(SouthernMethodistUniversitySchoolofLaw)深造。

    Born in Dallas , Angela Braly followed up her undergraduate years at Texas Tech University by heading to law school at Southern Methodist University School of Law .

  23. 相较于最好的法学院,这些发放MBA学位的顶级院校表现得尤为出色。

    And compared to the best law schools , the top schools that hand out MBA diplomas are doing exceptionally well .

  24. 因此,他进入哈佛法学院(HarvardLawSchool)就读,并成为著名的《哈佛法学评论》(HarvardLawReview)杂志社社长,他也是该杂志社的第一位黑人社长。

    Accordingly , he attended Harvard Law School , where he distinguished himself by being elected the first black president of the prestigious Harvard Law Review and graduating magna cum laude in1991 .

  25. 但协作确实能带来好结果,这是哈佛法学院(HarvardLawSchool)的海迪•加德纳(HeidiGardner)对一系列专业领域进行研究后得出的结论。

    But it does yield excellent results , according to a study of a range of professions , by Heidi Gardner of Harvard Law School .

  26. 与此同时,租金继续上涨,部分原因是附近的乔治敦大学(GeorgetownUniversity)法学院在源源不断地向该地区输送学生房客。

    Rents , meanwhile , have continued to rise , partly because of a seemingly never-ending supply of student tenants from the nearby Georgetown University law school .

  27. 在加入瑞银之前,她是高伟绅律师事务所(CliffordChance)香港合伙人。她毕业于哈佛法学院(Harvardlawschool),在美国、英国和荷兰当过执业律师。

    Before UBS , she was a partner at law firm Clifford Chance in Hong Kong , having practised in the US , UK and the Netherlands after graduating from Harvard Law School .

  28. 宾夕法尼亚大学(UniversityofPennsylvania)法学院职业规划副主任希瑟•弗拉顿表示,它意味着律所不再只注重出色的成绩单。

    According to Heather frattone , Associate Dean for career planning at the University of Pennsylvania Law School , this means that firms are looking for more than just exemplary report cards .

  29. 然而,一系列戏剧性事件,不但让这位31岁的法学院毕业生成了马德里西班牙企业学院(IEBusinessSchool)的EMBA学生,也将其非同寻常的血统进行了调和。

    However , a dramatic series of events not only led to the 31-year-old law graduate enrolling on the EMBA at the IE Business School in Madrid , but also to a reconciliation of her unusual provenance .

  30. 我们的法学院主要研究世界贸易组织(WTO)和中国的商法,而经济学院则致力于研究中国的创新,卫生和劳工问题。

    Our School of Law is undertaking research on the World Trade Organisation and business laws in China ; and at the same time , our School of Economics is focusing on innovation , health and labour issues in China .