- 名Saddharma-pundarika-sutra

Characteristics of moral thought in Lotus Sutra Moral Capital Theory
Chapter IV , the narrative space of Lotus Sutra and Chinese Tradition .
The Lotus Sutra ( Saddharma-Pundarika Sutra ) is one of important cannons of Mahayanan Buddhism .
Research on No.02 Fa Hua Jing Remnants Preserved in the College of Liberal Arts , Nanjing Normal University
As the main method of expressing the Buddhism , Metaphor embodies the thought and literature in Lotus Sutra .
In the Lotus Sutra it is taught by the Buddha that everyone has the buddhata , Buddha-nature within , and you are a buddha .
I 'm very willing to lecture on the the Shurangama Sutra and the Dharma Flower Sutra , because these two Sutras can develop people 's wisdom and lead them to Buddhahood .
From this analysis of narrative texts and their ideas we can found that the text not generated the same result what is shown by the space of narrative . Chapter ⅲ, characteristics of Narrative of spatial .
As Li Chengxian and I had engaged in the study and copying of the Dunhuang Murals for 40-odd years , we did the set of mural paintings of the Mystery Monastery after the techniques and style of the Dunhuang art .
Before this teaching , many disciples of the Buddha thought that the Buddha was the only one who could be a Buddha . Then , Mara knowing what the Buddha thought by use of his own mind , approached the Buddha and urged him to exercise rulership righteously .