
fǎ zhì jiào yù
  • legal education;education of legal system;education in the law
  1. 结合我国青少年法制教育的现状,本文在最后介绍了美国中小学法治教育中的社区参与的涵义及具体实施,借以表述对我国的借鉴意义。

    Concerning the real situation of the education in the law in our country , this dissertation introduces the connation and implement of community involvement in the law-related education in American elementary and secondary schools , hoping to explore the way our country can borrow from it .

  2. 本文论述了高等职业技术教育应重视对未来劳动者在加强德育教育、法制教育前提下,多方位、多渠道地进行职业道德教育。

    The paper states that in addition to moral education and education in the law , professional ethics education should be carried out from every aspects and through various channels for the workers of the future in high vocational education .

  3. 迎接WTO的挑战,首要的是创建法制教育和诚信教育。

    Legal education and honesty education should be established for meeting the challenges of WTO .

  4. 当前高校大学生法制教育探讨

    A Probe into College Students ' Legal Education at Present Time

  5. 加强护士法制教育规范执业自律行为

    Strengthening Nurse 's Legal System Education and Standardizing Vocational Self-discipline Behavior

  6. 浅谈对大学生的道德法制教育

    A Brief Discussion of Moral and Legal Education for University Students

  7. 加强法制教育,增强自我防范意识。

    Thirdly , law education and precautionary alertness should be enhanced .

  8. 法制教育机制及其实现形态的理论框架

    The Legal Education System and the Theoretical Framework of Its Realization

  9. 第二部分对法制教育的界定。

    The second part of the definition is about legal education .

  10. 切实转变观念,加强中小学生法制教育

    Strengthening Students ' Sense of Legal Education of Primary and Middle School

  11. 大学生犯罪问题与高校法制教育探析

    Law-breakings by College Students and Law Education in Institutions of Higher Learning

  12. 法信仰应是大学法制教育的核心

    Legal Belief : The Kernel of Legal Education at College

  13. 高校法制教育中的德育功能研究

    Research on the Moral Function of Legal Education in Colleges

  14. 加强和改进大学生法制教育对策研究

    Strengthening and Improving the Legal Education of University Students Countermeasures

  15. 搞好高校法制教育的四点体会

    Four Pieces of Experience on Legal System Education in College

  16. 加强农村法制教育,提高农民的法治素质;

    Strengthening the rural democratic legal education , improving peasants'quality governed by law ;

  17. 家庭法制教育是对青少年进行法制教育的重要组成部分。

    Family legal education is an important part of legal education for teenagers .

  18. 四重加强法制教育,提高预防能力。

    The fourth is to strengthen legal education and improve the preventing ability .

  19. 高校大学生法制教育刍议

    On the Students ' Legal Education in Higher School

  20. 对全军指战员都要进行必要的法制教育。

    The necessary legal training should be given to all officers and men .

  21. 提高高校道德法制教育工作水平;

    Raises the university morals education in respect for the law work level ;

  22. 新疆地区大学生法制教育与道德教育有机结合研究

    Study on the Integration of College Education in Legality and Morality in Xinjiang

  23. 第二,要改进法制教育方式,增强教育效果。

    The second part we will improve legal education , enhance education effect .

  24. 论少数民族地区的可持续发展与环境法制教育

    On Sustainable Development and Education of Environmental Legal System in Ethnic Minority Regions

  25. 努力加强社会主义道德和社会主义法制教育。

    Strengthening with great effort the education of socialist moral and socialist legality .

  26. 传统道德对高校法制教育的影响论析

    The Effect of Traditional Morality on the Law Education in Universities and Colleges

  27. 它强调要加强法制教育,培养人们的法治观念;

    It emphasize on cultivating law attitude of people .

  28. 加强法制教育。

    Enhancing the legal system education of all boatmen .

  29. 保卫工作在大学生道德与法制教育中的作用

    The Role of Safeguarding Work in University Men 's Moral and Law Education

  30. 个人社会化理论视野下的青少年法制教育探析

    Reflection and Reconstruction of Juvenile Legal Education from the perspective of Individual Socialization