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  • prolactinoma
  1. 目的探讨冠状位CT增强扫描对垂体泌乳素瘤的诊断价值。

    Purpose To evaluate CT coronal enhanced scan in diagnosis of pituitary prolactinoma .

  2. 方法82例垂体泌乳素瘤,80例为女性,平均年龄27岁,2例为男性,均有相应临床症状和血泌乳素值(PRL)升高,全部病例行冠状位CT增强扫描。

    Methods Pituitary prolactinoma 82 cases ( female 80 cases , average age 27 , male 2 cases ), they all had clinical symptoms and revealed elevation of blood prolactin ( PRL ) . CT coronal enhanced scans were done in all patients .

  3. 结论垂体泌乳素瘤多见于青年女性,大部分为微腺瘤,本病诊断除临床症状和血PRL值升高外,CT冠状位增强扫描有很大辅助诊断价值。

    Conclusion Pituitary prolactinomas mainly involve young females and majority are microadenomas . To diagnose the lesion , besides clinical symptoms and blood PRL value , CT coronal enhanced scan is a very useful and important way .

  4. 对于影像学上提示有垂体瘤的患者,以血清PRL水平为110ng/ml作为诊断泌乳素瘤切割点时,其与病理免疫组化染色诊断的符合率最高。

    In patients with pituitary tumors , serum PRL levels in diagnosis of prolactinomas take 110ng / ml as cutting point , there were the highest consistency rate with immunohistochemical staining pathological diagnosis . 3 .

  5. 经蝶手术对成人青壮年垂体泌乳素瘤患者垂体功能的影响

    The Effect of Transsphenoidal Surgery to Adult Prolactinoma Patients Pituitary Function

  6. 目的:研究伽玛刀治疗垂体泌乳素瘤的效果。

    Objective To evaluate the outcome of gamma knife for prolactinomas .

  7. 泌乳素瘤动态功能诊断试验的临床评价

    Clinical Estimation of Diagnostic Test of Dynamic Function of Prolactinoma

  8. 泌乳素瘤血清泌乳素水平的相关影响因素

    The influential factors of serum prolactin level in prolactinoma

  9. 褪黑激素对大鼠泌乳素瘤细胞生长影响的研究

    Influence of Melatonin on Proliferation of Rat Prolactin - Secreting Tumor Cell in vitro

  10. 羟苄丝肼:一种新的泌乳素瘤鉴别试验临床验证

    Benserazide : a new test for differential diagnosis of prolactinoma . a clinical study

  11. 目的:研究男性垂体泌乳素瘤患者经鼻蝶手术对血清睾酮的影响。

    Objective : To assess the surgical influence on serum testosterone of male patients with prolactinoma .

  12. 通过体外实验探讨褪黑激素对大鼠泌乳素瘤MMQ细胞生长周期的影响。

    The effect of melatonin on the proliferation of rat prolactin secreting tumor cells was studied in vitro .

  13. 目前的研究目的是评估使用多巴胺激动剂治疗的泌乳素瘤病人瓣膜性心脏病的患病率。

    The aim of the present study was to assess the prevalence of valvular heart disease in patients treated with dopamine agonists for prolactinomas .

  14. 因此,关于多巴胺能药物在治疗泌乳素瘤时对心血管的不利影响的附加研究结果是肯定的,特别是使用这些药物足够长时间的病人。

    Therefore , additional studies on the adverse cardiac effects of dopaminergic drugs in prolactinoma are warranted , especially in patients with much longer use of these drugs .

  15. NGF、PCNA与泌乳素垂体瘤卒中的相关性研究

    Relationship between expression of NGF , PCNA and prolactinoma with pituitary apoplexy

  16. 目的探讨垂体瘤转化基因(PTTG)对人泌乳素型垂体瘤(HPA)细胞凋亡的影响。

    Objective To investigate the effect of siRNA-targeted pituitary tumor transforming gene ( PTTG ) on human prolactin pituitary adenoma ( HPA ) cell apoptosis .

  17. 目的:评价泌乳素(PRL)瘤动态功能诊断试验的临床意义。

    Objective : To appraise the clinical significance of diagnostic test of prolactinoma ( PRL ) dynamic function .

  18. 本文以卡比多巴+左旋多巴(CD+LD)和灭吐灵(MCP)试验,观察了11例垂体泌乳素(PRL)瘤和7例健康女性血TSH和LH水平的变化,同时与血PRL的变化作比较。

    This study was carried out by using dopaminergic agonist ( Garbidopa plus levodopa , CD + LD ) and antagonist ( metoclopramide , MCP ) tests to evaluate the variations of serum PRL , TSH and LH levels in 7 normal women and 11 women with PRL-secreting pituitary adenomas .