
  • 网络discharge
  1. 在以往的设计中,在满足较大的泄量和消能量条件下,通常泄洪洞还要满足σf>σi,以免发生空化空蚀。

    In the past design , under the conditions of larger discharge and energy dissipation , flow cavitation number σ f larger than incipient cavitation number σ I of the flood tunnel must be satisfied to avoid cavitation in it .

  2. 其间,许多关键技术创新成果经过了实践的检验:后期底孔导流的研究,满足了三期导流及围堰挡水发电水位135m的泄量要求;

    Such as , the study on the outlet diversion in later stage met the discharge demands of the 3rd stage diversion and the level of 135m produced by cofferdam retaining for power generation ;

  3. 高水头大泄量旋涡竖井式泄洪洞的设计研究

    Design principle of high head and large discharge vortex drop spillway

  4. 这种新型结构将会给今后施工导流洞改建高水头大泄量竖井式泄水道带来广泛的应用前景。

    Such a new kind of structure indicates a wide-ranging application of rebuilding a diversion tunnel .

  5. 试论峡谷区大泄量高溢流坝下游河床的抗冲能力

    On River Bed Scour Resistance Downstream of High Spillway Dam in Canyon Region with Big Flood Discharge

  6. 进口喇叭口顶缘选取悬链线型式,以改善流态和提高泄量;

    The intake bell mouth took the curve of catenaries to improve flow pattern and to increase discharging capacity .

  7. 各级特征水位下满足排沙、减淤、保持有效库容泄量要求的水库泄流曲线是多沙河流水库泄流曲线的显著特点。

    A distinct peculiarity in hyperconcentration river reservoir is to design different discharging curves under different characteristic water level .

  8. 高水头、大泄量的泄水建筑物水力学问题是水利工程建设中特别受关注的问题之一。

    Hydraulics in water releasing structures with high water head and large discharge capability has been paid close attention recently .

  9. 通过对比安全泄量和洪峰流量,建立确定堤防、水库防洪能力大小的模型。

    Through comparison between safety discharge and peak flow , building a model to determine the flood control capacity on river and reservoir .

  10. 在程序设计中,将洪水过程、起调水位、下游安全泄量限制均作为变量,提高程序的通用性。

    Take both flood courses , original regulating water level and downstream safety discharge as variable in programming , so that it is universal .

  11. 在不同起调水位、不同下游安全泄量的条件下,对不同频率洪水的防洪风险进行计算。

    On the condition of different original regulating water level and different downstream safety discharge , calculate the risk of accommodating different frequencies flood .

  12. 该经验总结为目前及今后高拱坝大泄量工程的泄洪消能布置设计提供可借鉴的经验。

    The summing-up of the above experiences can be served as reference for designing flood discharging energy dissipation layouts for high arch dams and large discharges .

  13. 通过多方案试验研究,寻求适合高拱坝的大泄量、高消能率的结构型式。

    The experimental study of many schemes was carried out to find a structure of high efficiency for energy dissipation to suit high arch dam and large discharge .

  14. 低水头径流式电站的首部枢纽,一般库容较小,洪水频繁,泄量大,下游水位变化剧烈,因而泄洪消能问题往往较为突出。

    In general , hydro-junction of run-of-river station with low head is of smallreservior storage , flood discharge is great and takes place frequently , downstream waterlevel fluctuates violently .

  15. 随着水电事业的蓬勃发展,新建的许多大型泄水建筑物都具有高水头、大泄量、窄河谷等特点,高速水力学问题日益突出。

    With the development of the enterprise of hydropower , a lot of newly-built large outlet structures have the characteristic of high head , heavy discharge and narrow river valley .

  16. 在上游已建成具有一定调节能力的水库时,为减少下游拟建水库的施工导流流量,要求上游水库控制泄量以满足施工要求。

    If a regulated reservoir was built on upstream , we always reduce construction flood to meet the requirement of the hydropower project downstream through controlling the outflow of reservoir upstream .

  17. 建议采用了一种蓄、泄量双重控制的常规防洪调度方法&蓄泄结合防洪调度法,并用于研究寺坪水库对下游谷城防洪的防洪调度;

    As a new normal flood deployment method , storage and discharge & double controlled method is firstly presented to solve the flood dictating rule of Siping reservoir for the downstream town Gucheng .

  18. 调度模型采用离散微分动态规划法进行求解,不但缩短了求解时间,而且计算得到的最优泄量过程较均匀,减小了下游的洪灾风险。

    Discrete differential dynamic programming ( DDDP ) was employed for solving the model rapidly , and the optimal discharge was uniform so that it can reduce the risk of flood disaster relatively .

  19. 河道冲刷扩大将有利于增加河道泄量,但无序采砂也将给河道稳定带来不利影响。

    The enlargement of the channel scouring will favorable to the increase of the channel dis-charge , however , the illegal sand mining will be quite unfavorable to the stability of the channel as well .

  20. 在冶金矿山开采时形成的尾矿坝,具有坝身高、库容小、泄量大等特点,一般用塔式进口的泄洪洞泄洪。

    Tailings dams which are formed by extracting metal mines are characterized by high dams small reservoir capacity and large discharge , and water tunnels with pagoda entrances are generally adopted to let out discharge .

  21. 采用涡旋管排沙,可使底层含沙量大的水流进入涡旋管后形成强大的涡旋流,使泄量和挟沙能力增大,避免了泥沙的滞留淤积。

    Using vortex pipe to discharge sediment can avoid sediment accumulation , because the bottom flow with high concentration of sediment forms strong whirl after it enters the vortex pipe , increasing discharge capacity and sediment-carrying capacity .

  22. 但是,长江中下游洪水来量与河道的安全泄量不相适应的矛盾仍然存在,防洪形势仍十分严峻。

    However , the contradiction between the flood quantity in middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River and the safety discharge capacity of the river channel is still exist , so the flood prevention situation is still a severe problem .

  23. 本文从工程实际出发,以解决防洪问题为目的,运用水沙数学模型理论,对海河口进行了清淤方案与泄量、回淤量等问题的模拟研究。

    Basing on the engineering practice , aiming at solving the problem of flood control , applying the mathematical sedimentation model , in the paper , disposing aggradations plan , discharge capacity and sedimentation capacity of the Haihe river estuary have been researched .

  24. 本文概述了6000公斤/厘米~2高压脉冲射流发生装置的原理和主要参数。对活塞动能缓冲、泄载油量缓冲和高压密封等问题提出了解决方法,并作了理论分析计算。

    A brief account is given of the working principles and main parameters of a 6000kg / cm2 high-pressure pulse water jet generator , with a theoretical analysis of problems encountered with high-pressure sealing and buffering and with their solutions .

  25. 小湾水电站泄洪洞在泄洪时具有高水头、高流速、泄量大的特点,对混凝土冲刷力强,容易产生空蚀破坏。

    As the high head , high velocity and large flow of flood discharge , the concrete of spillway tunnel in Xiaowan Hydropower Station is easy to be damaged by cavitation .

  26. 本文从分析竖井进流水平旋转内消能泄水道的流态及影响因素出发,根据试验资料对其泄量特性进行了系统地分析与研究。

    Base on experimental data , studies on discharge characterisitics of inner energy dissipating tunnel with inlet shaft and horizontal vortex , were systematically carried out .