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[continue to use] 继续使用 [过去的方法、制度、法令等]
While the LME introduced electronic trading in 2001 , traders continue to use the ring as well .
Thereafter , each face all continue to use this system , the Song Dynasty is no exception .
A friend dubbed it ' The Sanctuary ' and the name stuck .
This was when he evolved the working method from which he has never departed .
In modern times , the old Silk Road routesare still used , but now they are crossed by trains instead of camels and horses .
These narrow roads are a leftover from the days of horse-drawn carriages .
Almost all the existing AQM schemes follow the probability dropping mechanism originated from Random Early Detection ( RED ) .
The expression , feel the pinch , has been used since the sixteenth century .
Control units can be connected to the computer by IEEE .
In addition to the open water characteristics of the above mentioned ducted propellers , the usual BP - δ charts and the charts corresponding to the optimum condition are also given .
The paper puts forward a new method that is in line with the process of MASS scheduling strategies for the study of the dynamic scheduling of integrated manufacturing execution systems ( IMES ) .
The impact value , obtained from routine impact test is one of the five most important mechanical properties , but it is still lack of definite physical meaning .
Adopting a SOA is a large undertaking , and it demands significant change for organizations in terms of how they have designed and implemented different data integration solutions for many years .
Now you might think , the reason IBM did to create SWT was valid and Swing should follow the way SWT has been on .
The synthesis technique of SE in toxic solvent N , N-dimethylformamide used at home and abroad was replaced by the aforementioned synthesis process which is simple , low-cost and easy for industrial production .
Congo has chosen to carry on with the IMF and World Bank economic route and at the same time to pursue development with Chinese money , he said .
Conveniently , the POSIX thread interface uses fairly consistent terminology , so " locking " it is .
Mr Fadell went on to embed his iPod lessons in Nest 's thermostat , right down to the wheel-like control for programming the unit .
Roughness coefficient ( n-value ) is a simple and widely adopted approach to show the influence on water flow by roughness degree of the pip wall . However , it directly influences the scale and investment of engineering .
So we 'll stick with the finish-line analogy this time and see how runners and races are represented in Amazon 's SimpleDB .
The Partial-Response Maximum Likelihood ( PRML ) technology has been adopted up to the present by right of its predominant performance on anti-noise .
However , most buildings are still using the traditional lighting control methods . Some smart buildings use Building Automation ( BA ) systems to monitor lighting , but only simply regional lighting and timer switches .
However , in the current cluster router , the realization of BGP protocol is still achieved in single-process or single-thread , and there is no real sense of the software scalability .
The style of fighting with the madu is still practiced today .
Games of ancient Greece by the name of ( OLYMPIA ), the World Sports Congress ( Editor 's Note-that is the Olympic Games ) is still used .
The equipment used by AA-TIG welding is the same with that of the ordinary TIG welding , the only change of which is the welding torch . The low production cost makes it a promising method of welding .
It is a new version of dynamic routing protocol , which is root in OSPF . Although the basic mechanism is same to OSPF , such as flooding 、 DR election 、 area support , and so on .
Samsung on Tuesday announced it will soon release the N120 netbook , which shares its body and many other components with the N110 spotted just yesterday .
Despite the rapid upgrading of microcomputer chips , the fundamental principles of 386-system architecture are still in use from the 80386 launched in the summer of 1985 to the P4 in the new century .
The new Celta , for example , needs an airbag to meet Brazilian requirements , Robinet said , which precludes using the current platform .