
  • 网络Guyuan;guyuan county
  1. 1997~2006年沽源县生态足迹动态变化分析

    Dynamics of ecological footprint of Guyuan County from 1997 ~ 2006

  2. 结论河北省沽源县监测点克山病病情相对稳定。

    Conclusions Current situation of KD in Guyuan County remains relatively stable .

  3. Spot-5遥感数据在北方农牧交错带景观结构特征研究中的应用&以河北省沽源县为例

    Character of Landscape Structure in the Ecotone between Agriculture and Animal Husbandry in Northern China Using Spot-5 Remote Sensing Data

  4. 沽源县马铃薯产业发展的现状与前景

    Prospect on Commercial Development of Potato in Guyuan County

  5. 沽源县动物检疫工作的现状、存在问题与对策

    The Present State , Problems and Counter-measures in Animal Quarantine Inspection in Guyuan County

  6. 河北省坝上地区沙化背景分析及景观生态对策&以沽源县为例

    An Analysis of Desertification Background and Landscape Ecology Countermeasures & With Guyuan County as an example

  7. 河北坝上地区生态建设与农业生产协调发展研究&以沽源县为例

    Research on Harmonious Development of Ecological Construction and Agricultural Production of Guyuan County in Bashang Plateau

  8. 河北省坝上地区生态建设政策安排与优化调控研究&以沽源县为例大沽河水源地农肥面源污染及其对策

    Study of Policy Arrangement and Optimizing Regulation on Ecological Constrution in Bashang Plateau ; Dagu River Area-source Pollution of Agricultural Fertilizer and Its Countermeasure

  9. 沽源县土地利用格局的多尺度模拟与分析种间扩散能力差异和群落多度分布格局

    Spatial Land Use Patterns in Guyuan County : Simulation and Analysis at Multi-Scale Levels ; Species Difference in Regional Dispersal Ability and Species Abundance Distribution

  10. 采用问卷和实地抽样调查等方法,对河北省沽源县退耕还林工程的实施情况进行了调查。

    Questionnaires and sampling method are used in the investigation of implementation of the conversion of farmland to forest project in Guyuan County of Hebei Province .

  11. 东方浴乐园地处沽源县闹市中心,是集练歌房、洗浴保健、住宿于一体的休闲娱乐场所。

    Oriental Bath downtown park is located in Guyuan County Center , is a karaoke rooms , bath care , accommodation , leisure and entertainment in one .

  12. 经过统计分析,沽源县的生态系统服务价值在研究期内的变化趋势为先减少后增加。

    Through statistical and analysis , in the study period , the trend of the ecosystem service value of Guyuan County was first decreased and then increased .

  13. 土地沙漠化防治综合效益评价&以京津风沙源治理工程河北省沽源县为例防风网在直接空冷系统中防风效应的分析

    Integrated Beneficial Analyses Method and Indicator System for Desertification Control & A Case Study of Guyuan County in Hebei Province ; The windproof net ′ s effect on direct air-cooled unit

  14. 沽源县地处河北坝上农牧交错带,研究其土地利用变化过程、特点和驱动力,对我国农牧交错带生态环境建设具有重要的理论价值和实践指导意义。

    Researching on the the process , the characteristics and the driving forces of landuse / landcover change have great theoretical value and practical guiding significance to the ecological environment construction of farming-pastoral zone .

  15. 第四章对沽源县退耕还林还草的经济发展要求与生态建设要求进行了分析,并探讨了制约因素对退耕工程的影响,在此基础上确定了退耕的总体目标。

    In part four , it analyses the economy development and eco-environment construction request of returning cultivated land to forestland or grassland , probes the restricted factors , and points out the target of conversion of cropland .

  16. 通过对沽源县退耕还林工程的实地调查,从农村社会结构、农村经济发展、农村人口素质、农村社会生活4个方面实证分析工程对农村社会发展的影响。

    Based on fieldwork in Guyuan County , Hebei Province , the authors analysed the influence of project on rural society development from the following four aspects : social structure , economic development , population 's quality and social living .
