- 名lettuce;Indian lettuce

Study on Effects of Storage Conditions on Preservation of Leaf-used Lettuce
Covering Technology Appling on Planting Lettuce in Sunlight Greenhouse
Effects of Cd , Pb , Ni , As Single Pollution on Chlorophyll Content and Antioxidant Enzyme Systems of Lettuce
P fertilizer application also promoted the amount of uptake of Cu , Zn , Mn of plant , and the degree of increase ascended at first and descended later with the aggravation of Cd polluted ;
The results showed : P fertilizer application in different degrees of Cd polluted soil promoted the growth of plant , and the degree of increase ascended at first and descended later with the aggravation of Cd polluted ;
By pot experiment , study was conducted on the effect of P fertilizer application on the growth of plant , the concentration and the amount of uptake of Cd , Cu , Zn , Mn of plant in Cd polluted calcareous Chao soil .
No choice * but I have my favourite vegetable !
Effect of appling molybdenum fertilizer on nitrate content in lettuce and you-mai vegetable
Effects of Different Density Nutrient Solution on Lettuce Growth
Using own-blowing air modified packaging films , choosing new-pick sauteed vegetable to examine the effects to fresh-keeping .
Mix thesauce into the lettuce , nuts and garlic and transfer into a clean dish for thetable .
The content of nitrate increased with the increasing of nitrogen levels . Appropriate phosphorus levels could restrain nitrate accumulation in Lettuce .
Wash the lettuce , drain well and chop into 2cm pieces . Place in a bowl with the nuts and garlicslices .
Cadmium content in Leafy vegetables such as romaine lettuce , greengrocery and celery respectively was 0.014 ? mg / kg , 0.010 ?
The phosphorus absorption rate of lettuce was low . On appropriate phosphorus application , the phosphorus absorption rate was only about 10 % .
Appling molybdenum fertilizer could remarkably reduce accumulation of nitrate in lettuce and you-mai vegetable no matter which pattern of fertilization , basal-dressing and top-dressing .
Toshiba aims to harvest three million bags of leaf lettuce , baby leaf greens , spinach , mizuna and herbs every year - witheach bag likely to cost consumers £ 1 .
Methanol of 5 % and 10 % significantly increased the content of photosynthetic pigments , photosynthetic rate and the net biomass ( or economic yield ) of leaf-used lettuce without any toxicity .
If you do choose salads for summer eating , then be sure to dress themwith a spicy dressing ( see Romaine lettuce with sesame sauce ) as these createthe fire needed to digest them .
The result showed that Romaine lettuce in the aspects of seed appearance , structure and plant nourishment organs , reproductive organs etc , act obvious difference from Chicory , but have many similar places from Lettuce .
The average weight of fructification increased by 8.45 % and the sugar content increased by 5.1 % . The average weight of each Chinese cabbage increased by 26.22 % and that of the lettuce was 50.09 % .
On appropriate nitrogen application , the absorption rate of lettuce reached over 20 % , while the highest value 28 % . In maturing stage , the nitrogen absorption amount of lettuce was higher than that in growing stage .
In this case , with selection and non-selection experiments , we studied and evaluated the effect of light , physical features of leaves and gravitation as cues on the whitefly 's orientation behavior to locate underside of host leaves .