
yóu nì shí wù
  • Greasy food;greasy/oily food
  1. GordonRamsay这些价格超高的大碟油腻食物应该死绝。

    This huge dish of overpriced stodge should be extinct .

  2. 华盛顿大学医学院的研究者发现,肥胖人群对油腻食物的渴望可能跟他们体内的一种叫CD36的受体蛋白质的指数有关。

    But the Washington University School of Medicine researchers found that obese peoples cravings for fatty food may be related to their levels of a receptor called CD36 .

  3. 他在餐馆里吃过油腻食物后常遭受消化不良之苦。

    He was prone to indigestion after rich restaurant meals .

  4. 从此对烹饪和油腻食物的痴迷一直陪伴着他。

    The obsession with cooking and eating fatty food stayed with him .

  5. 太多的油腻食物对你没好处。

    Lots of rich food is not good for you .

  6. 这种油腻食物不利于你的消化。

    This rich food is bad for your digestion .

  7. 多吃油腻食物对身体有害。

    A surfeitof rich food is bad for you .

  8. 杨芳对油腻食物没有胃口。

    Yang Fang has no stomach for rich food .

  9. 油腻食物不益于老年人。

    Oily food is no good to old people .

  10. 少吃油腻食物会对你很有好处。

    A reduction of fatty foods will help greatly .

  11. 由于人们食用的油腻食物越来越多,新加坡的肥胖率有所上升。

    Singapore has seen a rise in obesity as people increasingly eat fatty foods .

  12. 辛辣和油腻食物恐怕不合我们的胃口。

    I 'm afraid hot food or oily food does not agree with us .

  13. 没事儿,只是由于吃了过多的油腻食物,消化不良。

    It 's nothing serious , only indigestion due to too much rich food .

  14. 他贪婪地吃下许多油腻食物。

    He gorged himself on rich food .

  15. 油腻食物若大量食用会对你很有害。

    Rich food can be very bad for you if you eat it in large amounts .

  16. 减少盐的摄入,多吃水果、蔬菜,不要吃油腻食物。

    Cut down on your salt intake , eat fruits , vegetables and avoid fatty foods .

  17. 如果你不吃糖果和油腻食物,你就不会这样胖。

    If you abstain from eating candy and rich food , you will not be so fat .

  18. 吸烟、多量饮酒、经常吃油腻食物只有一个结果。

    Smoking , drinking too much alcohol , and living on a diet of fatty greasy foods has only one outcome .

  19. 所有忌食减肥的人都碰到一个如何满足口腹之欲的问题。得了痢疾忌讳吃生冷油腻食物。

    All dieters have the problem of appetite appeasement . People suffering from dysentery must avoid raw , cold or greasy food .

  20. 辣木叶对小白鼠通便作用的初步研究辛辣和油腻食物恐怕不合我们的胃口。

    Cathartic Effects of Moringa Oleifera Leaves in Mice I 'm afraid hot food or oily food does not agree with us .

  21. 女性的情况略好,适量饮酒时会多摄入300卡路里,来源于酒和油腻食物。

    Women fared a bit better , taking in an extra 300 calories on moderate-drinking days , from the alcohol and eating fattier foods .

  22. 在餐馆,他们会试图用廉价的油腻食物填饱你,因此先克制一下,等待美味食物端上桌。

    At a restaurant they will try to fill you with cheap stodge , so hold back and wait for the good stuff to arrive .

  23. 除了雪茄、啤酒和油腻食物,McMorran同样强调了远离廉价威士忌的重要性。

    As well as cigars , beer and greasy foods , McMorran also stresses the importance of staying away from cheap whisky in staying healthy .

  24. 这名受伤的战士身体太弱,甚至不能喝流体食物。上饭馆吃过油腻食物之后,他常受消化不良之苦。

    The wounded soldier was so weak that he could hardly take in even liquid . He was prone to indigestion after rich restaurant meals .

  25. 咱们就上街那头那个小饭馆去吃汉堡包怎么样?上饭馆吃过油腻食物之后,他常受消化不良之苦。

    How about just going down the street to the greasy spoon and getting hamburgers ? He was prone to indigestion after rich restaurant meals .

  26. 掉发因素:熬夜,压力,烟酒,香鸡排,麻辣锅,油腻食物,调味过重的料理。

    Hair factor : stay up , pressure , alcohol and tobacco , spicy chicken row , spicy hot pot , greasy food , seasoning overweight cuisine .

  27. 研究人员认为,学业压力、家庭支援的变化、酒精及随处可见的油腻食物是体重增加的主要原因。

    Researchers blamed academic stress , changes in family support , alcohol and the easy availability of fatty food as the main causes for the weight gain .

  28. 这也许只是基本费用,但是对于那些吃多了油腻食物的都市人来说,一次健康的改变,也是旅途中最大的追求了。

    It may be basic fare , but for urbanites who subsist on greasy food every day , a healthy change is a big holiday pursuit indeed .

  29. 承认自己有一个人类共同的弱点(在人类弱点的天平上,喜欢吃油腻食物相对无害)能让他显得更可亲近。

    Admitting to a shared human weakness ( and on the human weakness scale , a yen for fatty food is relatively harmless ) serves to render him accessible .

  30. 有恶心、嗳气、泛酸、腹胀和胃部灼热等消化不良症状,进食油腻食物后加重。

    There are nausea , heating , is suffused with acid , abdominal distension and scorching hot indigestion symptom of the stomach , aggravate after eating the greasy food .