
  • 网络Oil Painting Techniques
  1. 本文以林斌教授油画技法与教学为切入点,探讨写实油画中的主动造型意识。

    It takes Professor Lin Bin ` s oil-painting technique and the teaching as the breakthrough point , talking about the realistic oil painting consciousness .

  2. 没有传统油画技法的束缚,没有流行题材的局限,亦没有视觉语言符号化的追求。

    Neither tied to traditional oil painting skills , nor confined to popular themes , Gulistan seems to draw out of her own will without pursuing visual language symbols .

  3. 景物残缺的古堡(古老的建筑)将冷暖色调放在一起形成反差,这在油画技法上是一种新的尝试,给人一种梦幻般的感觉。

    Landscapes with ruins ( old buildings ) that appear to be in cold and warm distances . a new technique used to give the paintings a different appearance of dreaming landscapes .

  4. 本文希望通过对中西方油画技法材料的发展历史的研究,结合自己的实践能够对这一方面的研究有所补充和推进。

    This text hope passes to the historical research in development of the western oil painting skill method material of inside , combinative own fulfillment can to this on the other hand of the research has complement with push forward .

  5. 他运用彩墨画和油画技法,刻画100个天真活泼的儿童,在天高气爽的秋日,三五成群地聚集在屋前树下,或聚精会神地研究地震仪,或兴致勃勃地下棋,或神采飞扬地探讨诗艺画法,或攀树嬉闹。

    By using a combination of Chinese ink styles and western oil , Wang vividly portrayed one hundred innocent and lively children , some clustered under a tree , others studying a seismograph or playing chess , and yet others discussing poems and painting or climbing trees .

  6. 油画材料技法研究与实践初探

    Oil Painting Material Skill Method Research and Practice the Beginning Explore

  7. 从局部画起:卢西恩·弗洛伊德的油画创作技法

    Painting from the Parts : Interpreting Lucien Freud 's Oil Painting Techniques

  8. 谈油画材料技法的发展

    The Development of Materials and Techniques in Oil Painting

  9. 同时也是从现代信息社会的角度对欧洲古典油画材料技法进行一个学习和梳理的过程。

    Meantime , it is a process of study and heckle from the angle of modem industrial society .

  10. 从技法角度而言,超级写实主义油画的技法,是将近代油画的直接画法和古典油画的透明画法结合起来的混合技法。

    From the technique angle , the technique of super realism oil painting is the mixed techniques of the modern direct painting technique and the classical transparent painting technique .

  11. 有人可能会赞成拿来主义,只要把西方油画的技法和风格搬过来,就能创作出好作品了,这种想法曾经存在一段时期。

    It may be in favor of " use doctrine ", as long as Western oil painting techniques and styles to move around , you can create a good work , and once such ideas exist for a period of time .

  12. 中国当代具象油画家材料技法与个性化语言的关系研究

    A Study of the Relationship between Material Skill Methods and Personalized Language of Chinese Contemporary Representation Oil Painters

  13. 1985年毕业于西安美术学院师范系,1995年在西安美术学院油画系油画技法研究班学习。

    Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts in1985 , graduated from the Department of Pedagogy , 1995 , Oil Painting Oil Painting Department of Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts classes to learn techniques of research .

  14. 油画材料及技法演进的这五百多年的中,大致地可分为古代丹培拉绘画技法,古典间接法油画技法及近代直接法油画技法三个阶段。

    Oil painting materials and techniques of about 500 years of development history , the paper can be divided into ancient " tempera " painting techniques , classical " indirect " painting techniques and modern " direct " painting techniques in three stages .

  15. 五论述当代国内外油画家对古典技法的应用以及对作品格调的产生所起的作用。

    Four or five on the contemporary domestic and international oil painters , classical techniques , as well as the role played by the generation of work style .

  16. 我通过创作家乡一系列风景油画来研究风景油画的技法,同时感受作品与作者个人情感之间的互动,以及技法语言对于一个艺术家赋予艺术作品以生命的重要作用。

    I passed the writing Landscape Oil Painting of Hometown to study the technique of Landscape painting , Feelings of both individual works and the interaction between emotion , And techniques to give the language work of art for an artist to an important role in the life .

  17. 从改革开放以来,油画踏入中国至今的走势来看,在油画技法上主要表现特征为:以写实的手法来重写对象。

    From the reform and opening up , China has oil into the " trend " perspective , Techniques in oil painting as the main performance characteristics : mainly realistic way to rewrite the object .

  18. 由于油画绘画的特点与性质,决定了油画技法的多样性,因此给我的感受始终是油画能体现出一个人的性格,一百个人,可以画出一百个面貌。

    Due to the characteristics and nature of the oil painting , the variety of painting techniques , gave me the feeling is always painting to reflect the character of a person , a hundred people , you can draw one hundred face .

  19. 内蒙古的油画家正在以其博大的胸怀在传统油画表现技法的基础上,积极的吸收和运用其他造型艺术样式中的营养。

    Inner Mongolia oil painting is its broad mind in traditional oil painting techniques based on , active absorption and use of other art styles in nutrition .

  20. 研究和学习印象派风景油画,是作为一个风景画家必须的学习过程,是提高其风景油画的技法水平的重要手段。

    Of research and study of Impressionist landscape painting as a landscape painter must be a learning process is an important means to improve the level of landscape painting techniques .