
yóu yē zi
  • oil palm
  1. 很快,推土机开始把大片的油椰子和可可树林铲成了一块一块的泥地。

    Soon , bulldozers were turning vast patches of forest dotted with oil palms and cocoa trees into fields of mud .

  2. 在此基础上进行RSA分析,确定植脂稀奶油的最佳配方:棕榈仁油:椰子油(3:1)25.1%;

    Then through RSA ( response surface analysis ) method , the optimized formula consisted of : hydrogenated palm kernel oil and coconut oil ( 3:1 ) 25.1 % ;

  3. 主要成分:棕榈油,椰子油,薰衣草

    Ingredients : Palm Oil , Coconut Oil , Essential Oil of Lavender

  4. 来自橄榄油和椰子油的健康油脂、黑巧克力

    Healthy fats from olive oil , coconut oil , and dark chocolate

  5. 椰子和椰子油&椰子生产国第35届技术会议简介

    Cocoanut and Cocoanut Oil & The Brief Introduction of 35th Cocoanut Producer Seminar

  6. 棕榈仁油和椰子油成分大致相似。

    The composition of palm kernel oil and coconut oil are approximately similar .

  7. 棕榈仁油取代椰子油制皂的应用研究

    The Study on Making Soap to Use Palm Kernel Oil instead of Coconut Oil

  8. 有些粉底中含有矿物油、椰子油、可可油等油类。

    Some foundations include oil , such as mineral oil , coconut oil , and cocoa butter .

  9. 含甜杏仁油、椰子油、蜜腊、橄榄油、可可脂、芒果脂。

    Contains sweet almond oil , coconut oil , beewax , olive oil , coca butter and mango butter .

  10. 指出在制取癸酸、月桂酸、C(16)~C(18)皂用酸等时,山苍子核仁油可以替代椰子油,既利用了野生资源,又减少了环境污染。

    It is pointed out that clotbur seed oil can be substituted for the copra oil in the production of decylic acid , lauric acid and C_ ( 16 )~ C_ ( 18 ) soap acids , both to use wild resources and to reduce pollution of the environment .

  11. 巴巴苏坚果仁榨出的脂肪油,类似椰子油。

    Fatty oil from kernels of babassu nuts similar to coconut oil .

  12. 椰子油系从椰子果实中提取的一种芳香性食用油。

    Department of coconut oil extracted from the coconut fruit of an aromatic oil .

  13. 不久的将来,棕榈仁油将取代椰子油的地位,成为最主要的月桂油资源。

    It is estimated that in near future PKO will substitute coconut oil as the most important resource for lauric oil .

  14. 比如说,摄入椰子油时混入椰子粉,还有一些牛奶和杏仁牛奶,长久以来被认为能减肥。

    Consumption of coconut oil , for example in a mixture with coconut powder and a bit of milk or almond milk , has long been known to contribute to weight loss .

  15. “男士啤酒肥皂”是用棕榈油,橄榄油以及椰子油生产出来的。

    Her " MAN Beer Soap " is made from palm , olive and coconut oil .

  16. 成分:抹草、艾草、香茅、愈创木、茶树、冬青、马鞭草、橄榄油、葵花油、椰子油。

    Ingredients : Artemisias , Artemisia , Citronella , Wintergreen , Tea Tress , Verbena , Sea Salt , Olive Oil , Coconut Oil .

  17. 矿物油,葵花油,与椰子油对于预防发质受损的效果。

    Effect of mineral oil , sunflower oil , and coconut oil on prevention of hair damage .