
  1. 也谈沦陷区文学的评价问题

    Evaluation of the literature in the enemy occupied areas

  2. 东北沦陷区文学史研究50年寻踪

    Tracing the 50 Years Study of History of Literature in the Northeast Occupied Area

  3. 它的提出对沦陷区文学的发展有着重要的意义。

    The posing of it has important significance to the development of the enemy-occupied area literature .

  4. 隐喻的相似性特征为沦陷区文学提供了广阔的表达空间。

    The comparability feature in metaphor has provided a broad expression space for the enemy-occupied area literature .

  5. 第一部分探讨民族危机下沦陷区文学所表现出来的道德言说与伦理叙事上的特征。

    The first part discusses the features of moral speech and ethic narration of enemy-occupied area literature in national crisis .

  6. 在特殊的历史境遇中,沦陷区文学生产以及文学面貌都呈现出独异的特点。

    Under the unusual historical circumstances then , both the literature invention and appearance in the occupied area present unique characteristics .

  7. 永恒的探索与追寻读任一鸣《中国女性文学的现代衍进》迂曲中的求索东北、华北沦陷区文学论争及社团形态比较

    The Tortuous Pursuit & A Comparison of the Literary Debates and Formations of Literary Associations in the Occupied North East and Northern China

  8. 其次,沦陷区文学作品真实地描述出暴力叙述的环境,从总体上展示出一个极不公正的社会图景。

    Second , the enemy-occupied area literary work veritably described the violence narration environment and demonstrated an extremely unfair social prospect from the overall .

  9. 很长一段时间以来,沦陷区文学研究都没有引起学术界的足够重视。

    For a long time , the study of the literature in enemy-occupied area has not been much accounted of by the academic world .

  10. 第二章是在论争的基础上提升出来的沦陷区文学思想,大致分为三个部分:复兴文学;文学大众化;民族意识。

    In the basis of the debate Chapter 2 has put forward literary thoughts in the Japanese-occupied areas : Renaissance literature , Mass literature and National consciousness .

  11. 在史料积累、整理与文学史现象描述的基础上,东北沦陷区文学研究领域还蕴含着很多可待发掘的课题。

    With the basis of materials of history and the description of literature , the study about the literature of northeastern Japanese-occupied area still have so many themes that can be discovered .

  12. 随着沦陷区文学的兴起,作为东北、华北沦陷区的作家梅娘也越来越多的受到学界关注。

    With the rise of literature in occupied areas , Mei Niang , who is a writer in occupied areas of Northeast and North China , is paid more and more attention in the field .

  13. 整体是由部分组成的,正是通过对一个个看似不相干的文学现象的研究,沦陷区文学研究才能得以不断地完善和深入。

    An integer is composed by many parts , through that one by one literature phenomenon which seems to be not irrelevant ; the literature research of enemy-occupied areas becomes more and more deep and perfect .

  14. 沦陷区文学作为20世纪中国文学的特殊组成部分和现代文学史发展的一个环节,近年来已逐渐进入到研究者的视野。

    Literature in the Japanese occupied area , as a special component of Chinese literature in the 20 ~ ( th ) century and an indispensable link in the history of Chinese modern literature development , has come to attract attention from the researchers .

  15. 首先,沦陷区文学反映了作家们坚守民族气节的立场和对民族气节的理解,这表明大多数沦陷区作家在坚守民族气节这一道德底线的共同认识。

    First , the enemy-occupied area literature had reflected the writers ' standpoint and understanding to the perseverance of the national moral courage , which indicated the majority enemy-occupied area writers shared the same understanding of the bottom line of persevering in the national moral courage .

  16. 本论文第一部分是对两地沦陷区的文学的比较。

    In the first section , I compare the colonial literatures of the two areas .

  17. 《绿色的谷》是东北沦陷区的乡土文学的代表作品,《故乡》也是韩国农民文学中的名篇。

    " Green Valley " is the paradigmatic novel of North-East China folk literature , and " Hometown " is the paradigmatic novel of Korean peasant literature .

  18. 本论文从民族意识的研究视角切入,以1937年至1945年间沦陷时期文学为主要研究对象,探讨沦陷区文学中民族意识的存在形态及其蕴含的意义。

    From the view of national consciousness , taking enemy-occupied area literature from 1937 to 1945 as research object , the dissertation discusses the way of the existence and the significance of the national consciousness in enemy-occupied area literature .

  19. 由于文化抵抗是沦陷区人们实现抵抗意志的重要途径,因而沦陷区文学中的民族意识被赋予了更重要的意义。

    As the cultural fight-back is one of the most important approaches for people in enemy-occupied area to carry out their will of fighting back , national consciousness in enemy-occupied area literature has been endowed with more important significance .
