- 名pitchblende;uraninite

A study on Synthesis of pitchblende in the temperature range of 17-115 ℃ and its crystallization speed
Studies on dissolution kinetics of pitchblende in dilute sulphuric acid medium
The crystallization speed is variable with the changing of temperature and pH in the system .
A mathematical model for in situ leaching of uraninite using nh_4hco_3 - ( nh_4 ) _2co_3-h_2o_2 solution
Uranium mineral is pitchblende which was formed in Lower Proterozoic .
Characteristics of uraninite of Dabu uranium deposit in Jiangxi Province
The Characteristics of Pitchblende from Uranium Deposit No.8411 and Their Genetic Significance
The initial lead in pitchblende belongs to radioactive origin from crust .
The radiometric age of pitchblende is109 & 108 m.
DIRECT DETERMINATION OF OXYGEN ISOTOPES IN PITCHBLENDE Direct sample injection method are adopted .
Genetic hypotheses on three textures of pitchblende
The tested ore was of uranium-apatite-chlorite type in which fluorapatite and chlorite were the main uranium-bearing minerals .
A study of rare earth elements and sr , nd isotopic compositions of pitchblende in uranium deposit no.8412
Particularly part of pitchblende samples with colloidal structure features have the same physical and optical features as uraninite .
Pitchblende is the only primary uranium mineral , which is associated with quartz , fluorite , hematite and pyrite .
The distribution pattern study of rare earth elements of pitchblende in three types of uranium deposits in Northeast Guangxi Province
The distribution patterns of rare earth elements of pitchblende and surrounding rocks in three types of uranium deposits have been studied .
The principal uranium mineral in the deposits of primary subtype is uraninite , but in reworked subtype are pitchblende and relict uraninite .
This uranium tungsten ore deposit is a new type of mineral deposits , the main minerals in which are scheelite and pitchblende .
The compositional characteristics of main ore minerals ( pitchblende , coffinite , brannerite andjordisite ) in Deposit 570 are described in this paper .
The highest speed was obtained in acidic medium , while in neutral medium the speed was relatively slow and the lowest speed was in alkaline one .
The mineralization of uranium at a uranium deposit , in Northwest of China , is mainly pitchblende , and it belongs to the leachable industrial uranium mineral .
The Xiazhuang uranium ore field is the biggest granitic-type uranium ore field in China , and the pitchblende-calcite mineralization type is a new type of high-grade ores .
Fe2 + decreasing meanwhile Fe3 + increasing , in the mineralization process ( UO2 ) 2 + and Fe2 + reaction , formation of pitchblende and hematite . 3 .
The distribution patterns of rare earth elements of pitchblende in three types of uranium deposits are very identical , reflecting that the pitchblende was formed under the same physicochemical conditions .
Uranium mainly occurs in pitchblende and coffinite which are mainly dispersed in the fossil wood cells and pelitic cement of sandstone detrital grains , and partly adsorbed by clay minerals or carbonaceous debris .
The reason for this is that the uranium minerals formed at 1946 Ma experienced migmatization at 1829 Ma and the transformation of remobilization during Mesozoic period giving rise to the recrystallization of pitchblende and the formation of uraninite with pseudomorph of pitchblende .
The trickle leaching process for a high grade silicate uranium ore existing mainly as uraninite form has been studied . Two stage counter current trickle leaching with manganese dioxide as oxidant and ferric sulphate solution as leaching agent is used in the process .
In addition , the problems in next studies are pointed out , e.g. , characterization of micro-structure of secondary uranium minerals , high-resolution analyses of trance elements distributed in original and secondary uranium minerals using laser microprobe analyzer , composition of underground water , simulation experiments .
The features of paleokarst related U deposits are : with a typical low middle temperature hydrothermal mineral association and obvious stages of mineralizing veins , and the uranium mainly in pitchblende that has the typomorphic characteristics of hydrothermal genesis .