
  • Communication Disorders;communication barrier;Communicative Disorders
  1. 评估和治疗有语音、语言、声音、语言流畅和读写困难等沟通障碍的病人,以及有饮食和吞咽困难的人们。

    Assesses and treats people with communication disorders , such as speech , language , voice , fluency and literacy difficulties , and people who have physical problems with eating or swallowing .

  2. 农业科研管理工作中沟通障碍的成因分析及消除方法研究

    Study on the Contributing Factors of Communication Barrier in Agricultural Research Management and the Clearing Ways

  3. ICU护士和患者家属沟通障碍的分析和护理措施

    Nursing Study on the Obstruction of Communication between ICU Nurses and patient 's Family Members

  4. 但Siri的陪伴作用不仅限于有沟通障碍的人。

    But the companionability of Siri is not limited to those who have trouble communicating .

  5. W公司作为有代表性的外资企业,在国内开展营销活动已有10年的历史,但在经销渠道管理方面仍然面临很多问题:W公司与经销商由于企业文化背景不同而导致的沟通障碍;

    W is a typical foreign company , which has developed business in China for 10 years . It has to face some problems in marketing channel management : W and their distributor could not communicate well ;

  6. 虽然AAC在干预沟通障碍者的沟通能力方面取得了巨大的成效,但AAC也有被弃用的时候,也有老师反映教学成效不大,究其原因是因为没对AAC作系统的评估。

    Although the AAC intervention of communication obstacles persons ability to communicate has made a huge success , but AAC has been abandoned when the reason is because no right to make a systematic assessment of AAC .

  7. 传统上开放及远程学习意味着学习者与教师会得到一些协助,使他们可以克服由于空间、时间和学习步调而引致的沟通障碍,从而更好地教授和学习相关的内容(Churton,2000)。

    Historically , open and distance learning has meant providing access to instructional content in which learners and their instructor ( s ) are assisted to overcome the communication barriers of location , time , and most recently pace ( Churton , 2000 ) .

  8. 论消除商务沟通障碍的有效途径

    The Effective Method for Removing the Obstacle to the Business Communication

  9. 案例分析也进一步证实学生在线沟通障碍的存在。

    We then conducted case studies to further confirm these barriers .

  10. 在国家层面消除沟通障碍还有很长的路走。

    Bonding at the national level is a long ways off .

  11. 企业管理中的跨文化沟通障碍刍议

    Tentative study of barriers in intercultural communication in enterprise management

  12. 她不让我有沟通障碍的儿子把任何问题糊弄过去。

    She doesn 't let my communications-impaired son get away with anything .

  13. 护患沟通障碍原因及对策

    Causes of hindrance of nurse-patient communication and its countermeasures

  14. 有些人就是有沟通障碍,跟用什么没关系。

    Some people have troubled communication no matter what .

  15. 对这种信息的忽略,必然也会带来交际上的沟通障碍。

    The neglect of the indicated information will inevitably bring forth communication barriers .

  16. 护患沟通障碍导致护患纠纷的原因分析及防范对策

    Causative analysis on nurse-patient disputes caused by communication disorder between nurses and patients

  17. 企业内部信息沟通障碍浅论

    On obstacles interrupting the information communication within the enterprises

  18. 回忆小时候时,我和这里的人有沟通障碍。

    Memories of childhood , I and the people here are communication barriers .

  19. 非医疗事故鉴定案例中医患沟通障碍因素分析

    Factors Analysis of Doctor-patient Communication Obstacles in Technical Appraisal Cases for the Non-medical Negligence

  20. 论企业全球化引起的沟通障碍

    On the Communication Barriers Resulting from Enterprise Globalization

  21. 目的满足病人机械通气期间语言沟通障碍的身心需求。

    Objective To satisfy the mental and physical needs of patients on mechanical aeration .

  22. 克服这种沟通障碍的最佳方式就是文本和图一同工作。

    This communication gap is best overcome by text and diagrams that work together .

  23. 也许,害羞不应阻止我们沟通障碍自如。

    Maybe , shyness should not be the obstacle that prevent us from communicating freely .

  24. 面向对象技术的应用,减少沟通障碍,提高开发生产率,增强了系统的安全性。

    The object-oriented technology reduces communication barriers , improves development productivity , and enhances system security .

  25. 这本手册反映了图灵在曼彻斯特遇到的沟通障碍。

    The Handbook brought out many of the problems of communication that he faced at Manchester .

  26. 聋人的社会化所具有的条件是由于耳聋、以及由耳聋导致的与主流社会的沟通障碍所带来的。

    And the vital cause associated to this development are the deafness and the handicap of communication with the hearing people .

  27. 一定程度上,盈余管理在应对契约的刚性和信息沟通障碍等问题上起到了积极作用。

    In a certain degree , the earnings management plays a positive role to solve contract rigidity and information communication barrier .

  28. 沟通障碍是地方农业科研机构科研管理工作的主要问题之一。

    The communication barrier between administrators and researchers is one of main problems in the research management of local agricultural research institutions .

  29. 因此,认清饭店中的沟通障碍并找出有效的解决方法,是摆在每个饭店管理者的重要课题。

    Therefore , it is the main object for the manager to see clearly the communication obstacles and find the effective solution .

  30. 听觉丧失会导致沟通障碍、歧视、工作和学业困难、孤独和抑郁。

    Hearing loss can lead to communication issues , discrimination , poor performance at work and school , loneliness , and depression .