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shā chóng
  • sandworm
沙虫 [shā chóng]
  • (1) [sandworm] 任何种居住在沙土内的多毛虫

  • (2) 蛤虫

  • (3) 拖拉虫

  • (4) 筑造管道比沙工虫还小的一种帚毛虫属(Sabellaria)的蠕虫

沙虫[shā chóng]
  1. 对沙虫干抽提物成分的组成进行的研究结果表明:游离氨基酸含量w为10.3%,占抽提物含氮物质的77.9%。

    Extractive components of the dried sha chong ( Sipunculus nuclus ) were studied in this paper . The experimental results indicate that its free amino acids content is 10.3 % , which form 77.9 % of total nitrogen containing extractive .

  2. 沙虫女船安全渡运技术条件分析

    Analyses on Technical Conditions for Safe Sailing of the Vessel Sha-Chong-Nu

  3. 巨沙虫的坚硬外壳。增加10点装甲。

    The hard shell of giant dune worms . Adds + 10 armor .

  4. 我是说,我喜欢他们胜过沙虫.

    I mean , I liked him a lot better than the sandworms .

  5. 这些多毛类环虫(和普通的沙虫是近亲)是已知最耐热的动物。

    These polychaetes ( relatives of the common ragworm ) are the most heat-tolerant animals known .

  6. 芒尼奥:这个嘛,那是他们在弗里曼时代对沙虫的叫法。

    MONEO : Well , that 's what they called the Worm in the Fremen days .

  7. 分析探索了“沙虫女”船安全航行的技术条件。

    The paper analyzes the technical conditions for the safe sailing of Vessel " Sha Chong Nu " .

  8. 芒尼奥:我能认出沙虫。我能从他的脸和动作中看出来。我知道夏胡露降临的时刻。

    MONEO : I can recognize the Worm . I can see it in his face and in his movements . I know when Shai-Hulud approaches .

  9. 我们到街上去享用金门本地的美味(鱿鱼丸子与炸沙虫),并喝了几小酒盅高粱酒,一口喝下去,只觉得嗓子眼有点儿烧,尽管酿酒时加入干黑豆,但酒劲仍挺大。

    We went out for a dinner of squid balls and fried sandworms , a Kinmen delicacy , and a few shots of kaoliang , downed in one from thimble-sized glasses , its throat-stripping effects somewhat but not entirely annulled by its traditional accompaniment of dried black beans .