
  • 网络Desertified land;desertification land
  1. 结果表明,研究地区各种类型沙漠化土地总面积37.4万hm2,占总土地面积的39.1%;

    The results indicated that it is 37 . 4 × 104 hm2 of several types of desertification land , accounted for 39 . 1 % of total land areas in this region .

  2. 在无灌溉条件下,干旱区沙漠化土地实现逆转和植被的恢复的降水量要在160mm左右,而方法是沙漠化土地逆转成败的关键之一。

    The 160 mm precipitation is the threshold for desertification land reversion and vegetation recover under no irrigation in arid area , and the method is the key of successes .

  3. 遥感、GIS支持下的浑善达克沙漠化土地最新特征分析

    Remote sensing and GIS analysis of latest features of Hun Shan Da Ke deserting soil

  4. 甘肃省玛曲县沙漠化土地治理探讨

    Discussion on controlling desert land in Maqu County in Gansu Province

  5. 内蒙古沙漠化土地成因与防治

    Causes and Prevention & control of land desertification in Inner Mongolia

  6. 河北坝上沙漠化土地综合整治优化模式

    Optimization model of comprehensive desertification control in bashang , hebei Province

  7. 阿拉善地区沙漠化土地动态分析及修复对策

    Dynamic Analysis And Prevention Countermeasure Of Desertification Soil In Alashan League

  8. 中国沙漠化土地类型的分形研究

    Fractal Analysis Applied to Fractal Character of China Desertification Land

  9. 干旱区沙漠化土地逆转植被的时空格局及其机制研究

    Space-time Pattern and Driving Mechanism of Desertification Land Reversion in Arid Area

  10. 干旱区沙漠化土地治理与保护性耕作

    Sandy Desertification Combating and Conservation Tillage in Arid Land

  11. 奈曼旗沙漠化土地景观动态过程研究

    Dynamic Process for Landscape of Desertization Land in Naiman

  12. 中国北方沙漠化土地时空演变分析

    Time-space Evolution of Desertification Land in Northern China

  13. 在沙漠化土地上营造乔、灌混交防沙阻沙林带,可以明显地提高土壤的有机质和氮素水平。

    Tree and shrub mingled shelterbelt can increase soil organic matter and nitrogen obviously ;

  14. 沙漠化土地平均年递增率0.38%。

    The average expanding speed per year of desertification land is about 0.38 % .

  15. 内蒙古沙漠化土地评价指标研究

    Evaluation Index of Desertization Land in Inner Mongolia

  16. 塔里木河下游沙漠化土地时空变化遥感分析

    Remote sensing analysis of spatial-temporal changes of desertification land in Lower Reaches of Tarim River

  17. 所以,草地、耕地等土地利用强度的增大是沙漠化土地面积扩大的最主要原因,而土地利用方式的改变则能加快土地沙漠化的进程。

    To some extent the changes of land use pattern could accelerate the process of desertification .

  18. 科尔沁沙地沙漠化土地比例大,占一半左右,以中度类型为主;

    The desertification land area in Horqin is large and the main desertification type is moderate .

  19. 自1985年以来,沙漠化土地面积扩大,程度减轻。

    From 1985 , the area of desertification land enlarged and the degree of it mitigated .

  20. 对黑河下游不同类型沙漠化土地土壤的盐分进行了调查和分析。

    Spatial feature of soil salinity in groundwater fluctuant region of the lower reaches of the Heihe River ;

  21. 宁夏盐池半荒漠区沙漠化土地综合治理生态工程效益评价

    Evaluation of eco-engineering benefits about tackling desert problem of semi-desert region of Yanchi , Ningxia in comprehensive way

  22. 在植被覆盖度基础上,引入地表温度和纹理特征可提高各级别沙漠化土地的分类精度,对主要地类也有更好的区分性。

    Land surface temperature and texture features are introduced in classifying process to increase the precision of classification .

  23. 阿里高原沙漠化土地具有高寒干旱景观特色和脆弱的生态学属性。

    The desertification land of the Ali plateau has the high-cold and arid landscape and the fragile bionomics property .

  24. 根据分形理论,对中国沙漠化土地类型进行了分形研究。

    Based on the fractal theory , the spatial fractal character of China desertification land has been quantitatively analyzed in this paper .

  25. 植被恢复是治理沙漠化土地的根本措施。沙地植被以自然恢复为主,辅以人工措施。

    Vegetation restoration is key measures of combating desertification . The restoration of vegetation in the sand land should be mainly by nature .

  26. 宁夏盐池县沙边子沙漠化土地整治研究基地位于毛乌素沙地西南部半干旱农牧交错区。

    Shabianzi Research Base For Desertified Land Management is situated in semi-arid , mixed farming and grazing zone southwest of Mu Us Sandy Land .

  27. 科尔沁沙地沙漠化土地恢复面临的挑战毛乌素沙地历史沙漠化过程与人地关系

    Challenge to the desertification reversion in Horqin Sandy Land Process of Historical Desertification of Mu Us Desert and Relationship Between Nature and Human Beings

  28. 从而建立起沙漠化土地生态恢复的可持续运行机制,实现沙漠化地区生态、社会、经济的可持续和谐发展。

    Thus they may build a mechanism of sustainable operation , finally they may keep on harmonious development among ecology , society and economy .

  29. 内蒙奈曼旗沙漠化土地面积广大(占总土地面积69.5%),危害也严重。

    Naiman Banner , Inner Mongolia has large tracts of desertified land ( accounting for69.5 % of total area ) and suffered from serious damages .

  30. 从沙漠化土地形成的空间分布格局分析,沙漠化发生程度在空间上呈现出明显区域差异性和复杂性特点。

    Taking the spatial distributing pattern of desertification formation for analysis , the occurrence degree of desertification showed obviously regional diversity and complicacy in spatial scale .