- 网络canned sardines;sardines

The ten of us were squashed together like sardines in the tin .
We opened a couple of tins of sardines and had a picnic lunch .
until the day the Baby Brent Sardine Cannery closed for good . are super gross .
Sardine tins can be the very devil to open .
Every bus arrives and leaves packed as fully as a sardine tin .
we 're packed like sardines in here .
50 cases canned sardine in oil
While this , by Isidro Ferrer , for Zampiere , resemble a tin of sardines .
Life is rather like a tin of sardines-we 're all of us looking for the key .
As your mayor , I know it 's time to put our sardine-canning past behind us .
Packed like sardines into sweaty , claustrophobic carriages , these passengers can barely breathe let alone move about freely .
It 's as if I had used a big silver key and rolled back the roof like a lid on a sardine can .
If you live in a big city , there are many things to drive you crazy on your daily commute , and it 's not just overcrowded subway trains .
Add in the record 59.7 million visitors who are expected to descend on the city this year , up from 48.8 million in 2010 , and it 's a recipe for thoroughfares packed like sardine cans .
Now , as Beijing 's 19 million residents and 5.3 million cars turn highways into parking lots and subways into sardine tins , the municipal government is urgently calling for a comeback of the old-school bicycle .
Case in point : A friend of mine who lives in New York City was paying the same amount in rent per month as me , except her entire apartment was the size of my sardine-can living room .
One of the specters that haunt our time is the sprawling expansion of the population , and it is more and more difficult not to picture the future as though it were going to be life in a sardine can .
As music plays an MC shouts encouragement to volunteers bagging cans of sardines , boxes of cookies , crackers , sausages , and juices , bottles of water and soy sauce , rations of rice and even clothing and sandals .
The most notable case was announced by Disney itself on a home video copy of " The Rescuers " ; as two mice ride in a sardine tin , a photograph of a topless woman can be seen in a window for several frames .
Are they crowded ? Say , after you have ridden on a subway during rush hour , you 'll envy sardines for their big , spacious cans .
These sardines have a tinny flavor .
It is so crowded that we are packed like sardines – just like small fish in a can .
eg. It is not a pleasant ride because the train can be full of people . It is so crowded that we are packed like sardines - just like small fish in a can .
commemorating Eastport 's longstanding sardine canning industry .