
  • 网络Blast of silence;WiiBBS;Wiibss
  1. 不在沉默中爆发,就在沉默中死亡。

    To explode in silence , or to die in it .

  2. 在沉默中爆发&2006年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖简介

    Outbreak Through Silencing & The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for 2006

  3. 看着凤凰能从鸡窝里飞出,也许进步将会在沉默中爆发。

    Beauty walked out from a garbage heap ; maybe progress will emerge from the silence .

  4. 据该公司商户关系专员菲利普·阿哈万称,老板宣布这一消息后,所有人先是陷入不可置信的沉默中,随后全场爆发猛烈的掌声和欢呼声。阿哈万的工资提高了16%,从4.3万美元上升至5万美元。

    For several moments there was stunned silence before people broke into applause and high fives said Phillip Akhavan , a merchants relations worker whose $ 43000 salary immediately jumped 16 % to $ 50000 .