
  • 网络catalyzed wine
  1. 沉缸酒老熟化的机理研究

    The Aging Mechanism of Catalyzed Wine

  2. 沉缸酒在发酵过程中,发生了一系列复杂的物理化学变化,如氧化、还原、酯化、缔合等,同时伴随着色泽、成分的变化及分子缔合作用。

    During the brewing process of catalyzed wine , a series of complicated physical and chemical reactions such as oxidation , reduction , etherification and association occur .

  3. 沉缸酒的清除DPPH自由基作用尤其明显,其在体积百分比8%时的自由基清除率就已达93.58%,且浓度越高抗氧化作用越强。

    The DPPH radical scavenging effect of Chen Gang Yellow Rice Wine was especially distinct with a rate of 93.58 % at the concentration of 8 % .