
  • 网络hiatus
  1. 一个沉积间断是地质时间的总间隔。

    A hiatus is the total interval of geologic time .

  2. 沉积间断与地层完整性估测

    Stratum hiatus and stratigraphic completeness estimation

  3. 沉积间断,即掀斜或褶皱伴生或伴随着抬升运动。

    Sedimentation ceases : tilling or folding is accompanied or followed by uplift .

  4. 这种削蚀现象是侵蚀沉积间断的证据

    Such truncation is evidence of an erosional hiatus .

  5. 早期磁性地层研究中也曾发现了该沉积间断的存在,间断时间被认为约2Ma。

    The gap was actually observed by previous study of magnetic stratigraphy and was thought to have lasted about 2 Ma .

  6. 洞穴石笋沉积间断类型研究

    Study on the Sedimentary Interruption Types of Stalagmite in Cave

  7. 长江三角洲泥质潮坪沉积间断的定量分析

    Quantitative analyses on DIASTEMS of the mudflat deposits in the Yangtze River Delta

  8. 中全新世存在一次海退沉积间断;

    A depositional break in the middle Holocene ;

  9. 延长油区自晚三叠世以来经历了两次明显的抬升剥蚀事件、一次沉积间断和三次沉降作用过程。

    Yanchang Oildom has undergone two uplift-erosion , one hiatus and three subsidence processes since Late Triassic .

  10. 宇宙尘埃元素法优势在于对沉积间断时间的确定。

    The merit of methods based on cosmic dust elements is to determine the interrupted interval of sedimentation .

  11. 因此,沉积间断占潮坪层序的比例应为99.26%。

    Therefore , sedimentary hiatuses could have covered 99 26 % of geologic time in the Yangtze River open tidal flat sequence .

  12. 理发师用椅,配有机械升高、旋转或斜倚装置沉积间断,即掀斜或褶皱伴生或伴随着抬升运动。

    Barbers ' chair , with mechanical elevating , rotating or reclining movements Sedimentation ceases : tilling or folding is accompanied or followed by uplift .

  13. 一个米级旋回的顶部所出现的沉积间断短期暴露是针孔状溶孔形成的主要机制。

    The short exposure of sedimentary intervals at the top of a meter-scale cycle is the primary mechanism for forming acicular-dissolved holes in this region .

  14. 首次发现和论证了巴楚小海子地区小海子组内和塔里木盆地内部晚石炭世晚期的沉积间断;

    The sedimentary hiatus in Xiaohaizi Formation and late age of late carboniferous in Tarim basin are found and demonstrated by the authors for the first time .

  15. 通过单井N/E沉积间断地层剥蚀量的计算和古地形与剥蚀量关系的分析,绘制了济阳坳陷N/E沉积间断地层剥蚀厚度等值线图。

    Based on calculation of erosion thickness under the hiatus in some wells and correlation between erosion thicknesses and palaeotopography , contour diagrams of erosion can be mapped .

  16. 在上新世晚期末至第四纪早期(约距今240&90万年)之间的沉积物中可能存在沉积间断。

    The core section between the end of Late Pliocene and Early Quaternary ( 240 × 104 yrs to 90 × 104 yrs BP ) might present hiatuses .

  17. 沉积间断的广泛存在,给年代地层对比、生物演化序列的研究,灾害性或幕式事件沉积层的分析造成了不利的影响,降低了研究结果的精度。

    Extensive occurrence of hiatus in geological record imposes bad effects on the study of chronostratigraphic correlation , organic evolution , catastrophic or episodic depositional layers , and on analysis precise .

  18. 前者在新生代初期有过比较强的垂直差异运动,现在则主要反映在掀斜运动上。沉积间断,即掀斜或褶皱伴生或伴随着抬升运动。

    The former branch had considerably strong vertical differential movement at the beginning of the Cenozoic era , and is now dominated by tilting movement . Sedimentation ceases : tilling or folding is accompanied or followed by uplift .

  19. 结果表明,中新世中期至上新世早期(约距今1500&340万年)和晚第四纪末(约距今4万年)以采存在明显的沉积间断。

    It shows that from Mid Miocene to Early Pliocene ( 1 500 ?? 104 yrs to 340 × 104 yrs BP ) and from the end of Late Quaternary ( 4 × 04 yrs BP ) there are obvious sedimentary hiatuses .

  20. 层序界面主要由规模不等的不整合面、沉积间断界面、河道冲刷面、古土壤及岩性突变界面等构成。

    Sequences boundaries of all grades were mainly composed of unconformity in different scales , depositional break interfaces , erosion surfaces , paleosol and lithology break interfaces et , ac. During rift basin , tectonic movement and sedimentary supply controlled the patterns of sequences .

  21. 层序界面可归纳为4种类型:造山侵蚀不整合层序界面、隆升侵蚀不整合界面、海侵上超不整合界面和沉积间断不整合界面,并分析了每一种界面的成因及特征。

    The sequence boundaries can be divided into 4 types : orogenesis and erosion unconformity , uplift and erosion unconformity , marine transgression and onlap unconformity , and onshore exposure unconformity . The characters and genesis of every type were analyzed in the thesis .

  22. 潮汐沉积率与沉积间断

    Sedimentation rate and sedimentary break in tidal deposits

  23. 在浅水台地相区,沉积旋回的顶部往往出现短期沉积间断,导致碳酸盐沉积物经历大气淡水淋滤与溶解作用,形成溶蚀孔隙。

    Frequent short-time exposure at the top of the depositional cycle resulted in the formation of vugular-pore in carbonate deposits subjected to leaching and dissolution of meteoric fresh water .

  24. 运用盆地原型分析方法,对盆地的蚀源区、沉降史、沉积中心、盆地边界构造和沉积间断等进行了研究,并估算了沉降量和剥蚀量。

    Based on the prototype analysis method , this paper deals with erosion source area , subsidence history , evolution of sedimentation center , borderline structure and sedimentation intervals of the northern Jiangsu basin , and also estimates its subsidence quantity and denudation quantity .

  25. 沾化凹陷的不整合成因类型包括基底不整合、裂陷幕不整合、破裂不整合和与构造活动、水位变化、沉积过程及气候变迁相联系的不整合或沉积间断。

    The original types of unconformity surface of Zhanhua trough include unconformity of basement , unconformity of episodic rifting and unconformity of break , as well as the unconformity or break related to tectonic movement , water level change , sedimentary process and climate change .

  26. 沉积速率极小,往往是冷气候显示,甚至是沉积间断,或是气候和地质、灾害事件的突变点。

    The minimal growth rate is often indicative of cold climate and even depositional break and sudden change of climate and geology and hazardous events .