
  • 网络The Sleeper
  1. 沉睡者醒了,多么令人愉快的一天!

    The sleeper has been awakened , what a glorious day !

  2. 沉睡者应当被唤醒。

    The sleeper slumbers ; he shall awaken .

  3. 气味闹钟还为每个沉睡者们准备了保险措施,避免他们出现醒不来的情况。

    The Sensorwake comes with an insurance policy for any sleepers who aren 't roused by its primary feature .

  4. 虽然我们很厌恶闹钟的声音,但其实对于大部分沉睡者来说它们才是最有效的闹钟。

    While we might hate the sound of conventional alarms , they seem to be jarringly effective for most regular sleepers .

  5. 在我们的英雄把沉睡者从大洞逐出后,他就被困在古时的沉睡者大殿。

    After our hero banned the Sleeper via the dimensional portal , he finds himself trapped in the old Sleeper Temple .

  6. 那位沉睡者,必将自梦中苏醒目睹百年的苦难,与一息尚存的希望。

    From slumber shall a sleeper wake to a hundred years of pain , and behold the resolution of the hopes that still remain .

  7. 它们知道对手很快就会唤醒沉睡者,但它们也知道这需要时间,可以延缓对手的有效反攻。

    They know their foes can quickly awaken the sleepers , but they also know that doing so takes time and can delay an effective counterattack .

  8. 好几个尸体躺在他的四周,乍一看他和这些死去的沉睡者是分不清的。

    Many corpses were strewn around him ; and , at the first glance , there was nothing to distinguish him from those profound sleepers of death .

  9. 这些稻粉和辣蓼草的混合体,里面沉睡者形形色色的发酵菌,等待合适的时机苏醒。

    A variety of the yeasts are laying in the mixture of rice powder and red .... herbs . They are waiting for the perfect time to wake up .

  10. 我是火,在寒冷中燃烧;是光,带来黎明;是号角,唤醒沉睡者;是盾牌,保护人类的疆土。

    I am the fire that burns against the cold , the light that brings the dawn , the horn that wakes the sleepers , the shield that guards the realm of men .

  11. 2004年布朗大学一项后续研究也发现,气味并不能有效地叫醒沉睡者。他们给陷入不同睡眠阶段的参与者闻不同浓度的薄荷味和氮苯味,参与者们的反应不一,但发出声音的闹钟效果明显更好。

    A subsequent study at Brown University in 2004 also found that scents were not particularly effective at waking sleepers . Pepperment and pyridine scents were presented in different concentrations to sleepers at different stages of sleep .

  12. 这促使研究人员们得出“人类的嗅觉并不足以叫醒一名沉睡者”的结论。

    The odours scored mixed results , while audio tones played over a speaker were significantly more effective at rousing the sleepers , leading the researchers to conclude that " human olfaction is not reliably capable of alerting a sleeper . "