
  • 网络wharton;Luke Walton;Edith Wharton;Bill Walton
  1. 宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院最近的一项研究显示,人们认为剃光头的男人看起来更有男人味和统治力。在某些情况下,他们比头发较长或者头发稀疏的男人看起来更具有领导潜力。

    Men with shaved heads are perceived to be more masculine , dominant and , in some cases , to have greater leadership potential than those with longer locks or with thinning hair , according to a recent study out of the University of Pennsylvania 's Wharton School .

  2. 我很赞同沃顿商学院教授亚当o格兰特的观点,他也是《给予与索取》(GiveandTake)这本书的作者。

    I enjoy the perspective of Adam Grant , Wharton Business School professor and author of Give and Take .

  3. 宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院(WhartonSchooloftheUniversityofPennsylvania)排名第三。

    The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania is in third place .

  4. 斯科特理查德是宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院(WhartonschoolattheUniversityofPennsylvania)教授

    Scott Richard is a professor at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania

  5. 我在沃顿那会,有一次我得了“B”,坐我隔壁的日本人去自尽了呢。

    At Wharton , I got a " B , " and the Japanese kid who sat next to me killed himself .

  6. 高闻说,最近他在沃顿商学院(Whartonbusinessschool)演讲,前来听讲座的学生两间教室都坐不下。

    He said he recently spoke at a Wharton Business School and that there were two overflow rooms of students .

  7. 这些创业者还可以请一些在FirstRoundCapital实习的沃顿商学院(Wharton)MBA学生为他们提供免费咨询。

    And entrepreneurs can also request free consulting from a group of Wharton MBA students that intern with first round .

  8. 大学毕业后,他赴美留学,先后获得了斯坦福大学(StanfordUniversity)工程与材料科学的研究生学位,沃顿商学院(WhartonSchool)MBA学位。

    He attended university in India before obtaining a graduate degree in engineering and materials science at Stanford .

  9. 在最近沃顿商学院(WhartonSchool)的一次会议上,阿什比向《财富》杂志(Fortune)畅谈了在太空&这块最后未开拓疆土(FinalFrontier)所需的领导力。

    Ashby talked to fortune about leadership in the final frontier at a recent conference at the Wharton School .

  10. 今年是宾夕法尼亚大学(UniversityofPennsylvania)沃顿商学院(WhartonSchool)表现最差的一年,它的排名下滑21位,至第47名。

    The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania recorded its worst performance , down 21 places to 47th .

  11. 本书作者盖勒•拉克曼•麦克道尔是沃顿商学院MBA,也是CareerCup.com的创始人和首席执行官。

    Author Gayle laakmaan McDowell , a Wharton MBA , is founder and CEO of careercup .

  12. 位于加州帕罗奥多的斯坦福商学院,击败了2011年的并列冠军——伦敦商学院(LondonBusinessSchool)和宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院(Whartonbusinessschool),夺得了今年的冠军头衔。

    The California school knocked London Business School and the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania , the 2011 joint winners , from the number one slot .

  13. 院长汤姆罗伯逊(tomrobertson)表示,沃顿的课程不会改变。

    The Wharton programme is not about to change , says Tom Robertson , the dean .

  14. 本文作者是宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院(WhartonSchooloftheUniversityofPennsylvania)RussellE.Palmer金融学教授

    Jeremy J. Siegel is the Russell E. Palmer professor of finance at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania

  15. 这比哈佛或是沃顿商学院两年制mba所需的学费低了多达5万美元。

    That is up to $ 50000 less than the cost of a two-year MBA at Harvard or Wharton .

  16. 当他2010年从美国沃顿商学院(Whartonbusinessschool)回到印度时,从来没有考虑过传统饮料。

    Traditional beverages were the last thing on his mind when he re ­ turned to India from Wharton business school in the US , in 2010 .

  17. 但沃顿商学院(WhartonSchool)和凯南-弗拉格勒商学院(Kenan-FlaglerBusinessSchool)的研究者向我们展示,即使在一个繁重的轮班期间,人们完成常规性任务的程度也可能逐渐下降。

    But researchers at Wharton and Kenan-Flagler business schools have shown that compliance with routine tasks can fall away within one heavy shift .

  18. 首先要问问为何两位沃顿教授关心起了CEO们的约会生活或婚姻生活。

    One good question is why two Wharton professors are venturing into the dating , or not dating , lives of CEOs .

  19. 皮卡德研究了沃顿、哈佛、斯坦福(Stanford)和麻省理工(MIT)等商学院的课程,制定了自己的课程计划。

    Pickard developed her program by reviewing B-school curricula at Wharton , Harvard , Stanford , and MIT .

  20. 斯隆拥有约100名教职人员,400名mba学生,还不到沃顿或哈佛的一半。

    With about 100 faculty and 400 MBA students , it is less than half the size of Wharton or Harvard .

  21. 包括宾夕法尼亚大学(universityofpennsylvania)沃顿商学院(whartonschool)在内的其它商学院,正在聘用专职工作人员专门处理校友的职业问题。

    Other schools - including the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania - are hiring dedicated staff members to deal specifically with alumni career issues .

  22. 课程时代由斯坦福大学(Stanford)的教授发起,提供来自沃顿、哥伦比亚(Columbia)和耶鲁(Yale)等大学的课程。

    Coursera was launched by Stanford professors and offers courses from the likes of Wharton , Columbia , and Yale .

  23. 去年,沃顿商学院推出了为期8周,需要申请才能入学的在线高管课程,由营销学教授彼得•法德(PeterFader)讲授,课程名为“客户关系的战略价值”(StrategicValueofCustomerRelationships)。

    Wharton last year introduced an eight-week , application-only course for executives taught by Peter Fader , the marketing professor , on the Strategic Value of Customer Relationships .

  24. 他在强生公司内部获得晋升的同时也取得了沃顿商学院(Wharton)的MBA学位。

    Starting in pharmaceutical sales in 1988 , he earned his MBA at Wharton while climbing the corporate ranks .

  25. 沃顿商学院经济学家迈克杜菲(JohnPaulMacDuffie)说,后一种选择不能解决根本问题。

    This latter option doesn 't solve the fundamental problem , says Wharton School economist John Paul MacDuffie .

  26. 提到高级工商管理硕士(ExecutiveMBA)课程,宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院(Wharton-Univ.ofPennsylvania)算得上是黄金标准。

    As far as Executive MBA programs go , the Wharton version has pretty much become the gold standard .

  27. 在宾夕法尼亚大学(UniversityofPennsylvania)的沃顿商学院(WhartonSchool)读大学期间,刘特佐通过管理一个马来西亚学生团体,与马来西亚保持着联系。

    In college , at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania , Mr. Low kept up his ties back home by running a Malaysian student group .

  28. 他拥有沃顿商学院(Wharton)的金融学士学位,还曾经在艾意凯咨询公司(L.E.K.Consulting)和巴克莱银行(Barclays)工作过两年。

    He has an undergraduate degree in finance from Wharton , two years of experience at both L.E.K. Consulting and Barclays .

  29. 2011年5月,简于美国宾夕法尼亚大学(UniversityofPennsylvania)沃顿商学院(WhartonSchoolofBusiness)毕业,随后踏上新的征途,帮助初创公司在海外市场开疆扩土。

    Jain graduated in May2011 from the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania and subsequently launched a new venture to help startups expand their business into foreign markets .

  30. 在双方都决定参加沃顿的EMBA课程之后,他们的友情得到了进一步发展。

    But their friendship continued to grow after both decided to attend Wharton 's E.M.B.A program .