
On the basis of State 's SO_2 pollution control standard and gross emission control to coal-fired boilers , the ways about SO_2 emission control which can be selected at present are analyzed ;
The controlled objects in our country about NOx are burning coal settings , power stations , boilers , and so on . On Dec. 23 , 2003 , State Environmental Protection Administration of China issued the standard of NOx release .
The wastewater is allowed to discharge after meeting the Discharge Standard of Water Pollutants for meat packing industry ( GB13456-92 )
The result proved that the process was reliable with operation easy and management expedient . The discharge is up to the second grade standard of " The discharge standard of water pollutants for fabric dyeing industry " GB4287-1992I .
Standard for water pollution discharge is issued by the state , including 27 items on health and 17 on living environment , and having norms for total pollution control .
New technologies of the ESP power supply can significantly improve the dust removal efficiency , and play an increasingly important role in environmental protection . With the energy saving policy and the increasing strict of air pollution emission standards it has now became an important research area .
Emission standards applicable to preexisting stationary sources appear in state implementation plans ( SIPs ) .
The Integrated Emission Standard of Air Pollutants stipulates the requirements of emission of 33 air pollutants , as well as its implementation .
Nor does Beijing have powerful central regulators who can use the law to force local factories to meet national pollution or emission standards .
With the further progress of environment protection project in China , the wastewater discharge Standard becomes more and more strict . Therefore , the wastewater emission of some entities such as plating plant , paper mill and chemical industry will in face of more strict supervision .
Setting down local st and ards of vehicle emission in chengdu ;
It shows that when parameters in some outlets tallied with the outlet standard but detected lots of poisonous organic pollutants .
After analyzing the pertinent relations between carburetor 's function of exhaust control , the emission standards , and the pollution control technology , ways and measures are advised for controlling the existing vehicles ' exhaust pollution .
To monitor the pollutants from the boilers can assess if the dust collection technology , combustion condition , and pollutants discharge can meet the national standard , these also provide related scientific base for technological index of testing the boilers and operation .
Strengthening system foundation is mainly to perfect regulation rules and discharging standards of environmental pollution and relevant systems .