
  • 网络jiangxi normal university;jxnu;Nanchang, Jiangxi Normal University;jxnu.edu.cn
  1. 江西师范大学理工科教学楼

    Classroom Building for Science and Engineering Courses of Jiangxi Normal University

  2. 江西师范大学行政楼与国际交流中心

    Administration Center and International Exchange Center of Jiangxi Normal University

  3. 来自南昌,江西师范大学音乐学院,学习笛子演奏。

    From nanchang , Jiangxi Normal College Music institute , studying flute .

  4. 江西师范大学数学与信息科学学院,南昌;

    School of Mathematics and Information Science , Jiangxi Normal University , Nanchang ;

  5. 来自江西师范大学的230名非英语专业二年级学生参加了此项调查。

    230 second-year non-English major students in JiangXi Normal University participated in the investigation .

  6. 江西师范大学校史馆

    Building of School History of Jiangxi Normal University

  7. 本研究抽取了江西师范大学非英语专业一年级的99名同学。

    Altogether 99 non-English freshmen from Jiangxi Normal University participate in the present research .

  8. 江西师范大学信息中心

    Information Center of Jiangxi Normal University

  9. 本研究对江西师范大学非英语专业200位大一新生进行问卷调查。

    It was conducted in Jiangxi Normal University , where 200 non-English freshmen were selected as participants .

  10. 被试是150名江西师范大学英语专业大一年级新生。

    English major students in their first grade in Jangxi Normal University were selected for the study .

  11. 在江西师范大学,一次英语自主学习的教学实验正在进行。

    In Jiangxi Normal University , a teaching experiment of self-access English learning has been carried out .

  12. 总共有161名江西师范大学一年级非英语专业大学生参与此次试验。

    A total of 161 students enrolled in freshman non-English majors in Jiangxi Normal University participated in this study .

  13. 另在江西师范大学教育学院的资料室里手工查找关于离异家庭方面的资料。

    Besides , the data about divorced family were manually searched in the reference room of the College of Education , Jiangxi Normal University .

  14. 江西师范大学美术学院副教授、中国美术家学会会员、中国版画家协会会员。

    As an associate professor of the College of fine arts of Jiangxi narmal university , Liu is as well a member of China Artists association .

  15. 中国书画家厦门协会会员.1996年毕业于江西师范大学美术系,毕业后先后去北京,浙江,厦门等地深造与创作。

    Xiamen Chinese Painters and Calligraphers Association.1996 graduated from Jiangxi Normal University , after graduation has to Beijing , Zhejiang , Xiamen , studies and writing .

  16. 英语学习组是江西师范大学外语系本科学生86名,其中男性21名,女性65名;

    The Chinese learners of English were undergraduates at English department , Jiangxi Normal University . They consisted of 86 students , with 21 males to 65 females .

  17. 第三章&问题诊断:(1)以江西师范大学双语教学为研究个案,确定个案研究的目的、对象及方法;

    Chapter-3 : Diagnoses for the Problem . ( 1 ) illuminates the purposes , objects and methods of the case study around the bilingual education of JiangXi Normal University .

  18. 坚持科学发展观,全面提升学校成人高等教育办学水平&江西师范大学成人高等学历教育复办二十周年回眸

    Persisting in a Scientific View of Development and Promoting the Running Level of Adult Education & a Review of the Rerunning of Adult Education in Jiangxi in Its 20th Anniversary

  19. 作者通过对江西省师范大学2003级教育硕士班30位省内中学英语教师进行问卷调查,了解到目前当地教师采用交际法进行语法教学的现状以及所面临的困难。

    First , to investigate the current state of adopting CA to the teaching of grammar , a survey of the communicative teaching of grammar in secondary schools was conducted from the perspective of teachers in Jiangxi province .

  20. 第三章阐述了江西科技师范大学旅游学院创办教学企业培养行业人才的实践,主要分析了其创办的教学企业的作用定位、人才培养方案、人才培养实施。

    Chapter three describes the practice of professional talents cultivating by teaching enterprises founded by Tourism School of Jiangxi Science and Technology University , including the role location of teaching enterprise , talent training plan , training implementation .

  21. 本研究以江西省3所高校(江西师范大学、南昌工程学院、南昌航空大学)大学二年级和三年级学生共1200人为调查对象,进行大学生自我设限及相关因素的调查,获得有效数据914份。

    This study investigated 1,200 sophomores and junior students from 3 Colleges and Universities in Jiangxi Province & Jiangxi Normal University , Nanchang Instituted of Technology , Nanchang Aviation University , were invited as the study participants . And eventually 914 copies of valid data were received .