
  1. 第二部分为主体部分,对江总诗歌进行校注。

    The second part is a main body part , it is the arrangement and note his poems .

  2. 21世纪以来,许多学者对江总开始关注,并撰写了多篇文章。

    Since twenty-first Century , many scholars began to pay attention to him , and wrote many articles .

  3. 为探讨工业废水中重金属污染物在各企业分排放口和入江总排放口间的输入响应关系,选择典型废水排放口进行调查和监测。

    In approaching of heavy metal discharging from the outlet of individual enterprise into the main outlet of river on its related impact , selected a typical outlet for investigation and monitoring .

  4. 松花江生态系中总汞和甲基汞迁移、积累与循环的研究

    On Migration , Accumulation and Circulation of Total Mercury and Methylmercury in Ecosystem in the Songhua River