
  • 网络Gangnam Station
  1. 我们问了他有关餐厅“烈凤蒸鸡”,位于江南站的地点。

    We asked about his restaurant " Yul Bong Jjim Dak ( Hot and Spicy Steamed Chicken )," located in the Kangnam Station area .

  2. 首尔市政府上周开始在5个地点的街道沿线及人行道路面上设立标识,警示市民边走边使用智能手机的安全隐患。这5个地点为市政厅、弘益大学、延世大学、江南地铁站以及蚕室地铁站的周边。

    The Seoul Metropolitan Government began last week to put up signs along the street and on the pavement at five locations to warn citizens of the dangers of using their smartphones while walking . The locations are near City Hall , Hongik and Yonsei universities , and Gangnam and Jamsil subway stations .

  3. 关于上海天文台天荒坪江南天池观测站的夜天亮度

    Note on the night sky brightness at the jiang-nan-tian-chi station of Shanghai Observatory