
  • 网络Jiangnan Ancient Town;ancient town in southern yangtze river
  1. 江南古镇空间的多重阅读与思考

    Multiple Reading and Thinking on Historic Towns in the South

  2. 江南古镇旅游开发基础分析

    On Ancient Towns in the South of Changjiang River Tourism Developing Foundation

  3. 江南古镇研究的新视角

    A New Perspective for the Study of the Ancient Towns in Jiang

  4. 保存完好的江南古镇。

    Well-preserved old town in the Jiangnan region .

  5. 江南古镇上的林老板贿赂镇上商会会长,取得出售日货的默许。

    Jiangnan town on the lam boss bribery town Chamber of Commerce , with the tacit approval to sell Japanese products .

  6. 受教育程度、江南古镇旅游经历、旅游停留时间、旅游陪同者对游憩涉入有显著性影响。

    The level of education , the tourism experience of ancient towns , the retention time and the tourists ' company have Significant influence on recreation involvement . 5 .

  7. 江南古镇旅游者的地方依恋水平处于中等程度,由地方依赖和地方认同两个维度组成,按得分高低依次为地方依恋、地方认同。

    Tourists in four ancient towns show medium level place attachment by two factors , the two factors followed by high and low scores as place dependence and place identity . 3 .

  8. 因此,借助记录历史信息的江南古镇镇志,研究古镇的文化传承,对进一步保护、开发古镇旅游具有重要的意义。

    Therefore , the study on the inheritance of the cultures of old towns by resorting to the town chronicles that record historical information assumes tremendous significance in the further preservation and tourism exploitation of old towns .

  9. 近年,江南古镇以其悠久的历史、古朴的民居建筑、深厚的文化底蕴、独特的水乡风貌吸引着众多游客前往,旅游业得到迅速发展,但也暴露出一些问题。

    Long history , simple and unsophisticated buildings , deep cultural foundation and peculiar water scenery have been attracting a great number of tourists , which has reinforced the tourism development , but meanwhile some problems have appeared .

  10. 乌镇历史悠久,是典型的江南文化古镇。

    Wuzhen has a long history , is a typical southern cultural town .

  11. 第四部分分析了影响江南水乡古镇文化旅游策划的因素。

    The fourth part analyzes the factors which will influence the cultural tourism planning .

  12. 江南水乡古镇灰空间解析

    Analyze the Grey Space of Old Towns in Chinese Southern Regions of Rivers and Lakes

  13. 江南水乡古镇水域景观的比较研究

    Comparison Study on Water Area Landscape of Ancient Water Towns in the Southern Area of Yangtze River

  14. 城市意象空间分析在旅游地研究中的应用&以江南水乡古镇为例

    A Spatial Analysis of the Image of Tourism Destination & A Case Study on Ancient Water Towns in Southern Yangtze River

  15. 第二部分阐述了江南水乡古镇文化旅游开展的现状和问题。

    The second part analyzes the problems arising in the operation of cultural tourism at the ancient water towns in southern Yangtze River .

  16. 江南水乡古镇旅游是文化遗产旅游的重要组成部分,所以关于其旅游可持续发展的研究是学术界探讨的热点之一。

    The ancient water town in southern Yangtze River ( China ) is seen as an important component of the world heritage tourism .

  17. 本文以江南水乡古镇的空间结构系统为研究对象。

    The aim of the thesis is to study the space structure system of the traditional water town on the south of the Yangtze River .

  18. 从太湖典型年水量平衡分析试探太湖整治公司地处杭嘉湖平原的江南水乡古镇&菱湖镇。

    THE EXPLORATION OF THE REGULATION OF LAKE TAI FROM ANALYZING WATER BALANCE OF TYPICAL YEARS Our company is located in Linghu town , Hangjiahu Plain in Zhejiang Province .

  19. 根据此项研究的成果,本文最后提出了对江南水乡古镇旅游规划与开发的建议。

    The actual map is then compared , and recommendations for future tourism planning and designing of Ancient Water Towns in the southern Yangtze River are presented in concluding sections .

  20. 江南水乡古镇凭借独具魅力的吴越文化和水乡风情,在近年来的旅游开发中显示出巨大的经济效益和社会效益。

    Depending on the attractive sceneries and culture of water country , many ancient towns gained huge economic and social benefits by the development of their tourism in the previous years .

  21. 从中提炼出独具特色的江南水乡古镇的环境色彩色调特征与规律,便于更好地传承和弘扬中国传统文化和色彩。

    And extracted the unique environmental color tones characteristics and laws from the ancient water town in the south of Yangtze River , easy to inherit and carry forward traditional Chinese culture and color .

  22. 本文首次尝试对上海水乡古镇旅游目的地的发展进行了比较全面的考察和研究,以期为上海水乡古镇旅游目的地和江南水乡古镇旅游目的地的进一步发展提供参考和借鉴。

    This paper is a first study on the old water town tourist destination of Shanghai . It hopes to be helpful to the development of the old water town tourist destinations in Shanghai and even the south of Yangtze River .

  23. 本文通过对江南水乡古镇空间形态与人的行为存在的互动性的分析,并将这种互动理念运用于当代的公共开放空间,提出了互动设计思想。

    In this thesis , by analyzing the space form and behaviour ' mutual character in ancient towns of the south of the yangtze river and applying the mutual idea to the present public space design , the auther put forword to mutual design thought .

  24. 试论江南六大古镇的文化成因

    Culture Formation Cause in Six Biggest Ancient Towns in Jiangnan

  25. 滨水城镇旅游发展问题初探&以江南六大古镇为例陕北地区小城镇滨水区空间形态初探

    On Tourism Development of Waterfront Towns & Case Study of Six Top Ancient Towns in Southern Yangtze River Region

  26. 旅游规划中空间竞争与区域合作研究&以江南六大古镇为例


  27. 对于我国的历史城镇而言,江南滨水古镇是历史城镇体系的重要组成部分,江南滨水古镇也是我国重要的文化遗产。

    For the historical towns of China , Jiangnan waterfront towns is an important part of historical town system , is also important cultural heritage of China .

  28. 1991年,乌镇被封为省级历史和文化古镇,在江南六大古镇中排名之一。

    In 1991 , Wuzhen was authorized as the Provincial Ancient Town of History and Culture and ranked first among the six ancient towns south of the Yangtze River .

  29. 本章在引用大量镇志资料的前提下,结合其它笔记、诗文中有关江南六大古镇的记载,剖析了六大古镇在衣食、科举、信仰三方面的文化特征。

    By quoting town chronicles and memos and poems of the six old towns , this chapter has analyzed special cultural features of these old towns in terms of dressing , eating , imperial civil examination and religious faith .

  30. 江南六大古镇之一,桐乡市以北17公里处就是乌镇了,这里有古老的石桥,安静的河水,斑驳墙壁之间的石头小径,以及精美的石雕。

    Located in the centre of the six ancient towns south of Yangtze River , 17 kilometres ( 10.56 miles ) north of the city of Tongxiang , Wuzhen displays its history in its ancient stone bridges floating on mild water , its stone pathways between the mottled walls and its delicate wood carvings .