
hàn ɡuó
  • khanate
  1. 蒙古汗国与元朝关系的考察

    An Examination on the Relationship between Mongol Khanate and Yuan Dynasty

  2. 这也是一个汗国的蒙古帝国,认为是其四个后裔帝国。

    It was also a khanate of the Mongol Empire , considered one of its four descendant empires .

  3. 他会利用他的傀儡萨鲁曼来毁灭洛汗国。

    He will use his puppet Saruman to destroy rohan .

  4. 你将被驱逐出洛汗国…

    You are banished forthwith from the kingdom of Rohan ...

  5. 蒙古汗国时期,以东道蒙古亲王监镇东北地区。

    In Mongolian periods , East-dao lieges of Mongolia governed northeast areas .

  6. 你将被放逐在洛汗国之外。

    You are banished forthwith from the kingdom of rohan .

  7. 第三章论述了准噶尔汗国鼎盛时期的准俄关系。

    Jungar-Russian relationship during prosperity of Khan Kingdom of Jungar will be discussed .

  8. 16世纪末,沙俄征服与侵占西伯利亚汗国。

    At the end of the 16th century Russia conquered and occupied Siberia .

  9. 赐你梅里雅达克,成为洛汗国的骑士。

    You shall be meriadoc , Esquire of rohan .

  10. 不同的王国,大公国,帝国及汗国。

    Some Kingdoms , some Grand Duchies , some Empires and some Khanats .

  11. 据报萨鲁曼向洛汗国进攻。

    Our scouts report Saruman has attacked rohan .

  12. 洛汗国人民也需要你。

    The people of Rohan will need you .

  13. 一直以来,蒙古不需要任何理由的被尊称为“金帐汗国”。

    The Mongols were dubbed the " Golden Horde " for no small reason .

  14. 如果刚铎的烽火被燃起洛汗国必须准备好去投入战斗。

    If the beacons of Gondor are lit , Rohan must be ready for war .

  15. 十九世纪时期俄国对中亚三汗国的征服

    The Russian Conquest of the Three Khanates of Central Asia in the 19 ~( th ) Century

  16. 哈萨克历史研究(二)&哈萨克汗国与哈萨克族

    Kazakh History Research ( 2 ) & Kazakh Khan and Kazakh ; DE DI CESARE , Adriana

  17. 蒙古汗国至元三年(1266),元帅汪完者帖木耳镇守西固。

    Yuan Mongol Empire three years ( 1266 ), who finished with Wang Marshal guarding Xigu fungus .

  18. 第二部分分析汗国复兴的内外原因。第三部分论述汗国复兴对唐朝军政制度的重大影响:导致边疆都护府体制的破坏和变化;

    In the second part , it analyses the causes of the rejuvenation of the Later Turkic Khanate .

  19. 回纥称霸于漠北,吐迷度自立为可汗,建立回纥汗国。

    Huihe dominate in Mobei , spit fans of self-reliance for Khan , the establishment of Huihe Khanate .

  20. 1206年,成吉思汗统一蒙古高原上的各部落,建立蒙古汗国。

    Genghis Khan united the tribes living in Mongolian grasslands and set up the great empire of Mongolia in 1206 .

  21. 在征服了中亚三个汗国之后,俄国接着就又开始了对土库曼和帕米尔地区的侵略。

    Russia began to invade the region of Turkmenistan and Pamirs after the conquest of three khanates of Central Asia .

  22. 蒙古汗国及元朝时期复杂的疆域组成也带来了边塞诗内容的拓展。

    The complicated components of territory of the Yuan Empire brought about a corresponding extension of the content of frontier poetry .

  23. 十三世纪初,蒙古族领袖成吉思汗在中国北部建立蒙古汗国。

    In the early 13th century , Genghis Khan , leader of the Mongols , established the Mongol Khanate in north China .

  24. 迫于压力,汗国将不得不背弃哥萨克统领,携其来去如风的弓骑兵他往。

    The Crimean Khanate may be forced to betray the Cossack Hetmanate and take its lightening fast army of mounted bowmen elsewhere .

  25. 有关回纥汗国古突厥文碑铭的研究,因碑文残缺、释读困难,其成果较多被人忽视。

    For the deformed inscriptions and difficult interpretations , the studies of old Turkic inscriptions in Uighur Kingom aren 't usually neglected .

  26. 自13世纪早期蒙古人入侵以后,在蒙古帝国的统治下建立了一些行政区域,形成了哈萨克斯坦汗国。

    Following the Mongolian invasion in the early13th century , administrative districts established under the Mongol Empire formed territories of the Kazakh Khanate .

  27. 金帐汗国时期的克普恰克语文献是古代哈萨克文学一个重要组成部分。

    The Qypchaq literature in the Golden Horde ( Altyn Orda ) is the most important part of the ancient Kazakh language and literature .

  28. 此外,英俄两国还在中亚腹地加紧活动,俄国征服了中亚三汗国,英国则控制了阿富汗;

    In addition , they speeded up activities in Central Asia , Russia conquered three khanates in Central Asia , and England controlled Afghanistan .

  29. 本文全面论述了突厥汗国的历史和文化及其对中亚历史的影响。

    The paper gives an overall discussion about the history and culture of Turkic Khanates and their influence on the Central Asia 's history .

  30. 摘要元朝与察合台、窝阔台汗国的关系,在元朝与四大汗国交往中具有特殊性。

    The relationship between the Yuan Dynasty and cahetai , WoKuoTaiHan has particularity in the contacts of the Yuan Dynasty with four Han countries .