
hàn yīnɡ cí diǎn
  • Chinese-English dictionary
  1. 他买到了一本汉英词典。

    He 's bought a Chinese-English dictionary .

  2. 《汉英词典》修订缩印本文化内涵词释义问题

    On Explanation Problems of the Cultural Connotation Words in Chinese-English Dictionary

  3. 评《汉英词典》修订版释义的翻译

    On translation of definitions in revised edition of A Chinese English Dictionary

  4. 我手头没有汉英词典。

    I hadn 't got a Chinese-English dictionary at hand .

  5. 英汉、汉英词典使用和设想的调查

    A survey of the use of English-Chinese and Chinese-English dictionaries

  6. 爱丽丝不但有一本汉英词典还有一本英汉词典。

    Alice has an English-Chinese dictionary as well as a Chinese-English dictionary .

  7. 汉英词典已经脱稿。

    The Chinese English dictionary is already completed in manuscript .

  8. 汉英词典对于英语学习者来说,也是非常重要的。

    Chinese-English dictionaries are also greatly important to English learners .

  9. 汉英词典中的文化义差及语差释义

    The Culturally Semantic Difference and Semantic Difference in Chinese-English Dictionaries

  10. 她已预订了一本新编的汉英词典。

    She has subscribed for a new Chinese-English dictionary .

  11. 认知视角的汉英词典词类标注实证研究

    An Empirical Study of POS Labeling in Chinese-English Dictionaries : A Cognitive Approach

  12. 学生英语写作的通病汉英词典通病病历卡

    Problems in Students ' Writing Common failings as found in our Chinese-English dictionaries

  13. 一部新汉英词典即将问世。

    A new Chinese-English dictionary will soon come out .

  14. 双语语料库与汉英词典词目翻译质量的进一步提高

    Bilingual Corpora and the Improvement of Translations of Lexical Units in Chinese-English Dictionary Compilation

  15. 你需要买一本汉英词典。

    You need to buy a Chinese-English dictionary .

  16. 坚持科学的语言观打造汉英词典的精品&《新世纪汉英大词典》简评

    A Review of A New Century Chinese-English Dictionary

  17. 汉语四字成语是汉英词典中不可或缺的重要组成部分。

    Chinese four-character idioms are a special yet important component of a Chinese-English dictionary .

  18. 电脑与英语&实用电脑英汉/汉英词典

    A Practical Computerized English-Chinese / Chinese-English Dictionary

  19. 汉英词典翻译的篇章语言学视角

    Chinese-English Dictionary Translation : Text Linguistics Perspective

  20. 试论汉语成语在汉英词典中的处理

    Translation of Chinese Idioms in Chinese-English Dictionary

  21. 从用户视角看外向型汉英词典的释义可外存取的封闭型用户组;可外访问的封闭用户组

    On the Definitions of Foreigner-Oriented Chinese-English Dictionaries from the User Perspective p with outgoing access

  22. 翻译与汉英词典

    Translation and Chinese - English Dictionary

  23. 所以我认为外国人在学习中文的时候,应该尽量避免使用汉英词典。

    Thus I think foreigners should better avoid to use Chinese-English Dictionary when they study Chinese .

  24. 我的字典是一本汉英词典。

    Mine is a Chinese-English dictionary .

  25. 在汉英词典中提供对等词的同义辨析信息是一个不容忽视的问题。

    The significance of providing the synonym discrimination for English equivalents in CE dictionaries cannot be ignored .

  26. 因此,本项研究拟从认知视角出发通过实证研究对汉英词典词类标注的重大原则问题予以正面回答。

    This dissertation is intended to answer the above questions through empirical studies from the cognitive perspective .

  27. 第三章重点讨论目前汉英词典例证方面所存在的六大问题。

    Chapter Three specifies the six major problems existing in the illustrative examples of current Chinese-English dictionaries .

  28. 汉英词典在中国的英语学习者学习英语的过程中起着重要的作用。

    The CE dictionary is an important reference book for Chinese EFL learners in their English learning .

  29. 英汉词典自动转换生成汉英词典的计算机实验研究

    Experimental Study on the Autogeneration of a Chinese-English Dictionary from an English-Chinese Dictionary by Means of Computer

  30. 外向型汉英词典中多义词的义项划分与分辨研究汉语助词在外向型汉法词典中的处理

    A Study of Sense Division and Sense Discrimination of Polysemous Words in Chinese-English Dictionaries Aimed at Foreign Users