
  • 网络Hans Island
  1. 迄今为止,许多研究还限制在体外,而不是在个体β细胞和郎格汉斯岛的体内试验。

    To date , much of the research has been confined to in vitro rather than in vivo studies of individual beta cells and the Islets of Langerhan .

  2. 在胰腺中叫做郎格汉斯岛的部分的β细胞的胰岛素分泌是一个复杂的过程,当它不能正常工作时诱导糖尿病。

    Insulin secretion from the beta cells in the part of the pancreas called the Islets of Langerhan is a complicated process , which if it fails to work properly induces diabetes .