
  1. 洛阳西汉墓壁画内容之阐释

    On the Explanation of Western Dynasty Tomb Mural Painting in Luoyang

  2. 第三部分分析和总结洛阳汉墓壁画的艺术地位及影响。

    Chapter Three concentrates on the artistic significance and impact of the Han tombs wall paintings in Luoyang .

  3. 通过对汉墓壁画的考古研究,针对壁画的题材内容、形式技法、情感表达分别进行了分析论述。

    Regarding the archaeological research on Han tomb murals , the subject matters , forms and techniques , emotional expressions are discussed and analyzed seperately .

  4. 之后在此基础上,从微观上对这一地区的汉墓壁画展开进一步的分析与对比。

    Afterwards in this foundation , To make further analysis and comparison microscopically obout the mural painting in tombs of Han Dynasty in this region .

  5. 摘要徐州汉画像石作为汉墓壁画的一种形式,通过稚拙的外在“象”体现出内在的象征性的“意”之美。

    Xuzhou stone relief in the Han dynasty , as a form of the grave fresco , expresses the beauty of the internal and symbolic spirit through the erode and childish external picture .

  6. 本文是国内首次全面、系统地对洛阳汉墓壁画的区域性形式风格特征进行整体论述的专业论文,填补了该项研究的空白。

    This thesis in China has been first thesis in which fully and systematically expound regional style and features of murals in the Luo Yang tomb in the Han dynasty , it fill in a vacancy on this aspect study in China .

  7. 对上述内容进行的研究,旨在展现汉墓壁画雄健与充实的美学风格。

    All the above-mentioned researches will lead to the manifestation of the aesthetic style of " vigour and substantiality " of Han tomb murals . The heritage of and research on the aesthetic style of Han tomb murals will be carried out from two perspectives .