
huì zǒng
  • Summary;collect;gather;pool
汇总 [huì zǒng]
  • [gather;collect] [把资料、票据、数据等] 汇集到一起

  • 把材料汇总上报

汇总[huì zǒng]
  1. 临床研究结束后,临床资料及时汇总,输入计算机,用EPIDATA软件建立数据库,进行数据管理。

    When the trial was over , clinical information was gather in time , input into computer , set up database and carried out data management , and then used Epi Data software to make statistic analysis .

  2. 管理中心系统主要实现CPU卡的制作、发行,并对其下属加油站上传来的数据进行汇总,以便及时了解情况,做出科学决策。

    Management center system mainly realize the CPU card 's fabrication , publish , and gather the gas station 's data , so as to find out the gas station 's situation and make scientific decision in time .

  3. TaskRuntime提供每个任务的运行情况汇总。

    The task runtime provides the run summary for every task .

  4. 用TOTAL命令只能按单关键字段进行分类汇总,不能按多关键字段进行分类汇总;

    By using TOTAL command classifying and collecting can only be done on single keywords , not on multiple keywords ;

  5. 作为一个额外的奖励,请注意reduce函数可以是相同的,因为它只汇总已分组的键!

    As an added bonus , note that the reduce function can be the same because it just sums up grouped keys !

  6. 在PendingChange视图汇总,右击私人更改或者包含一些更改的目录。

    In the Pending Change view , right-click individual changes or the directory that contains several changes .

  7. CAPP系统中自动汇总的研究与实现

    The Study and Implement of the Automatic Collect in CAPP System

  8. 本文收集了国内外X染色体遗传标记在临床疾病诊断及法医DNA工作者实践中的研究和应用资料,汇总报道了X染色体遗传标记的研究进展。

    This report summarized the proceeding of research on X chromosome genetic markers in the clinical and forensic context .

  9. 这个方法将会把汇总和计算操作保存到数据库中,而不是将它交给Transformer处理。

    This method will push the aggregation and calculation operations to the database rather than having Transformer process them .

  10. 汇总表就像数据立方(datacube),数据立方本质上是创建汇总表的独立软件产品或技术。

    Summary tables are like data cubes , and a cube is basically a separate software product or technology that creates summary tables .

  11. RSS是以XML为基础,用于为内容整合客户端提供选择性的、汇总过的Web内容的技术规范。

    RSS is based on XML and it provides a selective and collective web content technology criterion for content-integrated client .

  12. 为了获得这些数据,您可能需要调用Web服务、连接到数据库、执行复杂的逻辑运算或从多个数据源汇总数据。

    To obtain this information , you may invoke a Web service , connect to a database , perform complex logic , or aggregate data from multiple sources .

  13. 单击OK之后,汇总页面显示已经导入的各种类型、属性和关系。

    After clicking OK , a summary page indicates that numerous types , attributes , and relationships have been imported .

  14. 最后,分析最后一个ETL作业LOADSALESSUM的元数据信息,这个作业填充汇总表。

    Finally , the staff member analyzes the metadata information about the last ETL job LOAD_SALES_SUM , populating the summary table .

  15. 例如,度量指标汇总和计算可以传递到数据库层进行处理,而不是在Transformer中处理。

    For example , measure aggregation and calculations can be passed to the database layer for processing rather than having Transformer process them .

  16. 企业的管理人员需要对数据仓库中已经汇总的数据进行深入的分析,通过SqlServer的数据钻取功能可以实现查询分析。

    If manager needs to deeply analyze gathered data in data warehouse , the data drill function of SQL Server can query and analysis data .

  17. 一个描述FOXPRO汇总程序的形式化方法

    A formal method of expressing the Foxpro total programs

  18. TaskSchedulerWizard的最后一个屏幕显示新任务的设置汇总,要求用户确认这些设置值。

    The last screen of the Task Scheduler Wizard shows the summary of the new task , requesting confirmation of values .

  19. 提出了基于Real模式开发会计信息系统的思想,从根本上解决了传统会计信息系统存在的信息单一、过于汇总等问题。

    This paper introduces the idea to develop accounting information system based on Real mode . The system can resolve those problems of the traditional AIS such as information is simplex and convergent .

  20. COUNT函数非常有用,可以在任何级别显示汇总表中的每个汇总行由多少条记录组成。

    The COUNT function is very useful to show at any level how many records make up each aggregated row in the summary table .

  21. IBM智能计量网络管理,用以捕捉从智能仪表产生的数据并加以分析和汇总从而实现运营方面的改进。

    IBM Intelligent Metering Network Management is used to capture data from smart meters , analyze and aggregate it , for achieving operational improvements .

  22. 同时,该系统综合利用移动通信、GPS定位和Web数据库等技术,实现线路监测数据的实时汇总、自动评估和报警。

    At the same time , the System utilized the mobile communication , GPS , Web database technology , implemented the data auto processing , quality auto estimating and alarming .

  23. B方案星状神经阻滞治疗,共完成180例确诊顽固性偏头痛的治疗,由不了解治疗方案者汇总分析患者资料,确定治疗效果。

    180 cases with inflexibility hemicrania in all were treated , the data was collected and analyzed by persons who didn ′ t know the treatment program to make sure the treating effect .

  24. 采用HTML的话,由于在信息内容中包括了连接信息,因此无法只提取连接信息的汇总。

    Use of HTML , because the message content is included in the connection information and therefore unable to extract only the connection information .

  25. 方法:对1998年~2002年8月有关CT性能/质量检测的中文文献进行研究。结果:公布结果的文献汇总约有1/4CT检测不合格;

    Methods Researches were made in Chinese documentations on CT performance / quality test issued from 1998-aug 2002.Results Approximately a quarter of CTs among the documents assembly released public were tested unqualified .

  26. 这就要求监控与发现系统(MonitoringandDiscoverySystem)的设计必须满足以下要求:首先信息都需要有一个发现机制来进行汇总以便任务调度进程能从中找出最优组合;

    This requires monitoring and discovery system ( MDS ) design must meet the following requirements : firstly , a " discovery " mechanism is needed so that the task scheduling process can identify the optimal resources combination ;

  27. 对1986年和2000年的TM影像的解译结果汇总看出,玛曲县的土地类型面积经过14年以后,发生了较大的变化。

    By interpreting TM images in 1986 and 2000 , was land type areas in Maqu county had greatly changed after 14 years later .

  28. 但是,动态消息汇总这种“自动共享”形式到底是未来发展趋势呢,还是说Facebook这么干实际上是在糟蹋“共享”过程?

    But is this form of " automatic sharing " simply the next logical step , or is the social network actually ruining the " sharing " process ?

  29. 通过SCL-90症状自评量表和大五人格测试量表分别对对照组和实验组术前、术后进行测试,汇总各因子得分后行统计学处理。

    Control group and experimental group before surgery and the experimental group after surgery were respectively tested with SCL-90 and Big Five Personality .

  30. 系统构建了以microsoftSQLserver2000为平台的宏观金融数据仓库,不仅能对业务数据进行查询等事务型处理操作和简单的统计汇总,而且还能对各种数据进行复杂分析;

    The finance data warehouse based on Microsoft SQL Server 2000 , not merely operate transaction process such as data inquire , and can carry on complicated analysis to various data ;