
  • 网络Yongding earth building
  1. 自2008年7月7日福建土楼申遗成功后,作为福建土楼的重要组成部分,永定土楼成为世界各地游客关注的焦点。

    Fujian Earth Building has successfully become the World Heritage since July 7,2008 . As an important component of Fujian Earth Building , Yongding Earth Building has become the focus of attention of the tourists all over the world .

  2. 最后基于游客满意的视角提出了永定土楼旅游地开发策略,对永定土楼旅游地的可持续发展具有参考价值。

    The paper in the end proposes the development strategies in Yongding Earth Building based on the perspective of tourist satisfaction and has important reference value on the sustainable development of Yongding Earth Building tourism destination .

  3. 对永定土楼旅游市场营销的几点思考

    Thoughts of the Yongding Earth Tourism Marketing

  4. 福建永定客家土楼源远流长,是中国远古时期产生的生土建筑技术在福建的继承与发展。

    Hakka Earth Buildings Complex in Yongding of Fujian enjoys a long history , which is regarded as the inheritance and development of earth architecture technique emerged in primitive period .