
  1. 然而,在所有趋势当中,愈演愈烈的水资源短缺带来的威胁最为直接。

    Of all those trends , however , the spread of water shortages poses the most immediate threat .

  2. 水资源短缺导致贫穷,使政局不稳,且影响全球的繁荣

    Lack of water perpetuates poverty , increases the risk of political instability , and affects global prosperity .

  3. 然而,正如今年联合国(UN)人类发展报告昨日所指出的,这并不反映全球层面的水资源短缺。

    However , as this year 's United Nations human development report yesterday pointed out , this does not reflect a global shortage .

  4. 华北平原的水资源短缺状况不断恶化,而这里创造了中国40%的GDP。

    Water shortages in the North China Plain are getting worse . This is where 40 per cent of the country 's GDP is generated .

  5. 针对矿井废水水量大,我国水资源短缺的情况,运用GIS技术,建立水资源管理系统。

    Aiming at the fact that mine waste water quantity is large and water resource of China is scarceauthor , by means of GIS technology , set up water resource management system .

  6. 沧州市水资源短缺,深层地下水严重超采,已形成大面积区域地下水位降落漏斗,地面沉降已达2m,生态环境严重恶化。

    The Cangzhou city is short of water resources , the deep groundwater has been overdrawn seriously , it has caused the regional cone depression of deep groundwater in large area , the land subsidence has reached 2 m , the eco-environment has deteriorated seriously .

  7. 水资源短缺风险评价中的投影寻踪模型

    Projection Pursuit Model for Comprehensive Risk Evaluating of Water Sources Scarcity

  8. 基于支持向量机的水资源短缺风险评价模型及应用

    Model for assessing water shortage risk based on support vector machine

  9. 水资源短缺对北京农业的不利影响分析与对策

    Negative effects of water scarcity on agriculture in Beijing and countermeasures

  10. 洁净水资源短缺,儿童死亡率高。

    Clean water is scarce and child mortality rates are high .

  11. 我国是水资源短缺和水污染严重的国家之一。

    Water resource shortage and water pollution are serious in our country .

  12. 解决山东水资源短缺的对策

    Studies on how to solve the shortage of water resource in Shandong

  13. 几十年来,水资源短缺对中国构成了越来越大的挑战。

    For decades , water shortages have been growing challenges for China .

  14. 针对水资源短缺问题的产品设计方案研究

    Study of Product Design Solution for the Problem of Water Resource Shortage

  15. 关于缓解城市水资源短缺压力的几点思考

    Thoughts about Ease the Pressure on Urban Water Resources Shortage

  16. 哦,食物短缺、水资源短缺和空间短缺。

    Well , food shortage , water shortage , and space shortage .

  17. 水资源短缺与水体污染并存。

    The shortage of water resource exaggerates the pollution of water body .

  18. 污水回用是解决水资源短缺的有效途径

    Wastewater reuse is solves water resources short efficient path

  19. 浅析牡丹江市区水资源短缺问题与对策

    Primary analysis on water shortage & countermeasure for urban area at Mudanjiang City

  20. 水资源短缺是我国一大国情。

    Water shortage is a major condition in China .

  21. 在土耳其籍的地区,水资源短缺越来越严重。

    As in the Turkish sector , water shortage is a growing problem .

  22. 解决运城市水资源短缺问题的对策

    Countermeasure on Problem of Water Shortage in Yuncheng City

  23. 然而,尽管水资源短缺,中国人用水却十分浪费。

    But despite the shortages , usage is wasteful .

  24. 基于模糊概率的水资源短缺风险评价模型及其应用

    Model for evaluating water shortage risk based on fuzzy probability and its application

  25. 暴雨洪水既是必须防御的自然灾害,又是宝贵的可利用资源。在水资源短缺的干旱、半干旱地区,充分利用雨洪资源是当务之急。

    Rainstorm and flood are not only natural calamities , but also available resources .

  26. 建筑中水对缓解北方城市水资源短缺提供了一条途径。

    The way of building intermediate water to solve urban watershed problems is provided .

  27. 水资源短缺引发的思考

    Consideration about the Shortage of Water Resources

  28. 利用地下蓄水层缓解水资源短缺的探讨

    UNDERGROUND Research for Utilization of the Store Water Layer to Relieve the Lack of Water

  29. 摘要水资源短缺已成为大连市经济可持续发展的制约因素。

    Water resource shortage has been the confinement factor of sustainable development in Dalian city .

  30. 水资源短缺和污染已经严重威胁我国的生存与发展。

    Water resource shortage and pollution has seriously threatened the survival and development of China .