
  • 网络water resource value
  1. 水资源价值时空流研究

    Studies on temporal and spatial flow of water resources value

  2. 水资源价值理论及模型研究

    Study on the Theory and Model of Water Resources Value

  3. 基于模糊AHP法定权的水资源价值灰色评价模型及其应用

    Fuzzy AHP based grey assessment model for water resource value and its application

  4. 基于模糊系统理论,采用模糊层次分析(AHP)法确定各评价指标权重,有效地解决了水资源价值评价中复杂的权重确定问题。

    Fuzzy systematic theory based analytic hierarchy process ( AHP ) was applied to decide the weights of every estimated indicators , which was believed a complicated problem in water resource value assessment .

  5. 通过对水资源价值的构成及灰色聚类分析,建立基于模糊AHP法定权的水资源价值灰色评价模型,并运用该模型对兰州市水资源价值进行了综合评价。

    The constitution of water resource value and grey clustering are analyzed and the Fuzzy AHP based grey assessment model for water resource value assessment was established . This model has been applied for the comprehensive assessment of water resources value in Lanzhou city .

  6. 水资源价值及商品水定价问题的探析

    Analysis of Water Resource Value and Strategy Deciding Water Merchandise Price

  7. 调整水价结构,使水价能反映水资源价值;

    Regulating the structure of water to reflect the water value ;

  8. 影子价格法在水资源价值理论测算中的应用

    Application of shadow price method in calculation of water resources theoretical value

  9. 灰色理论在城市水资源价值中的应用及实例研究

    Application of the grey theory on water resource value measurement

  10. 淮河流域水资源价值测算与分析

    Calculation and Analysis of the Value of Water Resources of Huaihe River

  11. 农用水资源价值评估的理论与方法

    Theory and Method for Evaluating the Value of Water Resources for Agriculture

  12. 水资源价值是水价形成的基础。

    Water resources worth is the basis of water price .

  13. 天然水资源价值评估的能值方法及应用

    Evaluation method of natural water resources based on emergy theory and its application

  14. 水资源价值的定量探讨

    The Quantitative Discussion of the Value of Water Resource

  15. 水资源价值模糊评判模型

    On fuzzy comprehensive appraisal model for water resources worth

  16. 本文提出经改进的水资源价值流运移传递模型(模型Ⅱ和模型Ⅲ)。

    Two improved models describing the transferring of water resources value flow are proposed .

  17. 综述了水资源价值评价与配置的基本问题。

    The primary problems of water valuation and allocation were reviewed in the paper .

  18. 水资源价值与成本的关系及其在水价制定中的应用

    Relationship between Value and Cost of Water Resources and Its Application in Water Pricing

  19. 水资源价值核算研究&以哈尔滨城市供水系统为例

    WATER RESOURCES CALCULATION ── a case study of water supplying in the city Harbin

  20. 水资源价值损失模糊估算模型的改进与应用

    Modification and Application of Fuzzy Mathematics Model in Evaluating Loss of Water Resource Value

  21. 水资源价值对水利工程经济评价影响研究

    The Study about the Influence of Water Resource Value on Water Conservancy Project Economy Assessment

  22. 苏北海岸带水资源价值模糊评价

    The fuzzy comprehensive evaluation of water resource value on the coastal zone of Northern Jiangsu

  23. 提出了公平性原则是可持续利用水资源价值流的理论基础,研究了水资源价值时间流、水资源价值空间流和水资源价值时空流以及各自的价值流曲线。

    This paper studies the time flow , space flow and spatiotemporal flow of Water Resources Value .

  24. 基于模糊数学模型的浙江省金华市水资源价值分析

    Analysis on Water Resources Value of Jinhua City in Zhejiang Province Based on the Fuzzy Mathematics Model

  25. 水资源价值

    The Water Resources Value

  26. 太湖流域平原地区水质综合评价与水资源价值评价研究

    The Study on Comprehensive Water Quality Assessment and Water Resource Value Assessment in Plain Area of Taihu Basin

  27. 主要包括以下几方面内容:(1)完善了水资源价值理论。

    The main contents are shown as follow : ( 1 ) Improvement of the theory of water resources value .

  28. 水资源价值与多种因素有关,其中时间和空间尤为重要。

    The value of water resources is affected by many factors , in which time and space are is extremely important .

  29. 在辨析水资源价值涵义的基础上,阐述水资源动态完全成本定价模型;

    Based on definition of the value of water , this paper explicates the water price model of dynamic total cost ;

  30. 水资源价值评价指标体系、评价方法(模型)研究。

    Study on evaluation indexes system and methods for water resources , and build the evaluation method for water resources value .