
shuǐ huā sì jiàn
  • The water splashed in all directions
水花四溅[shuǐ huā sì jiàn]
  1. 我跌入水中,激起水花四溅。

    I fell into the water with a splash .

  2. DavidHockney谈论过关于这个,我认为非常吸引人的绘画作品的欣赏,如果你意识到这样一个事实。虽然现实的水花四溅稍纵即逝,但是绘画这个效果花费了整整两周的时间,那么你就会更加珍视它。

    David Hockney talks about how the appreciation of this very glamorous painting is heightened if you think about the fact that it takes two weeks to paint this splash , which only took a fraction of a second to happen .

  3. 我们的服务质量上乘,泳池绝对水花四溅。

    Our service is classy , and the pools are definitely splashy .

  4. 图片说明:海豚跃起后水花四溅。

    Photo caption : After leaping dolphins spray scattered .

  5. 马克掉进池里时,水花四溅,好几位救生员都被溅湿了。

    When Mark landed in the pool , water splashed all over the lifeguards .

  6. 我喜欢咱们扔石头时水花四溅的样子。

    I like the way the water splashes when we throw in the rocks .

  7. 然后他们又加入了一点点水面上录制的水花四溅声。

    And then they added a little bit of the splash from the overhead microphone .

  8. 在经历了一段爬坡之后,游客最终进入水花四溅的泳池。

    They end their trip by gliding over a transition hump and landing in a splash-down pool .

  9. 定伯自己过河的时候,却是水花四溅,响声很大。

    But when Dingbo crossed the creek , he splashed the water in all directions with a lot of noise .

  10. 印度著名的野象之路在迈索尔聚集,一头小号厚皮动物正在两头大象之间水花四溅地度过一条小溪,它们以后都将被驯化。

    Rounded up in Mysore , India 's famous wild elephant drive , a pint-size pachyderm splashes through a stream between two adults , all destined for domestication .

  11. 直到1930年8月27日,三个渔人看见一头20英里长的怪物正向他们的船游来,拍打着湖水,水花四溅,怪物又上了报纸的头条。

    The monster didn 't make headlines again until August 27 , 1930 when 3 fishermen reported seeing a creature 20 feet long approaching their boat , throwing water in the air .

  12. 接着,小船目空一切地撞上一个浪头之后,便滑下一道长坡,风驰电掣,水花四溅,颠颠晃晃地来到了下一个威胁跟前。

    Then , after scornfully bumping a crest , she would slide , and race , and splash down a long incline and arrive bobbing and nodding in front of the next menace .

  13. 其著名景点“疯狂泳池”拥有和旁边大海一样的模拟海浪,游客可以享受水花四溅的感觉,而不必担心脸被咸咸的海水刺激到。

    Its attractions include the Crazy River pool , which simulates the nearby ocean waves . Visitors can let the water splash over them without worrying about the salt water stinging their faces .

  14. 乒乒乓乓地砸在屋顶上,顷刻间草地上银珠纷飞,税洼里水花四溅,我开始担心园里的蔬菜、水果,还有田里的庄稼;

    Now hailstones thump upon the roof . They bounce white against the grass and splash into the puddle . I think of the vegetable garden , the fruit trees , the crops in the fields ;