
shuǐ lǜ
  • light green
水绿 [shuǐ lǜ]
  • [light green] 很浅的绿色

水绿[shuǐ lǜ]
  1. 小岛面积300英亩,该度假村仅仅占据的一小部分,这一点无疑会令热爱大自然的人们赞赏,小岛上的景点还有翡翠湾(EmeraldBay),郁郁葱葱的树木倒映水中,映得湾水绿如翡翠,因此得名。

    Nature enthusiasts will appreciate that the resort takes up only a small part of the 300-acre island , and includes Emerald Bay , so called because the water reflects the color of the island 's many trees .

  2. 构建上海城市水绿生态体系沈阳城市水绿生态体系建设分析

    Analysis of establishing urban water-green ecosystem in Shenyang E City

  3. “水绿盐城、生态湿地”,亚邦国际大酒店拥有各类豪华客房170间(套);

    Yabang International Hotel have a total of170 guest rooms and suites .

  4. 东方湿地水绿盐城&盐城市某小区规划设计

    Oriental wetland ,? Green Area & Design of a Residential District in Yancheng City

  5. 他将绿道分为五类:(1)城市滨水绿道;

    He classified greenways into five general types : ( 1 ) urban riverside-waterfront greenways ;

  6. 构建水绿网络化的生态系统。

    To design water-green ecological system .

  7. 建立社会化的水务管理机制,构建水绿网络化的生态系统,发展多种调蓄措施的综合利用等管理策略,有利于推进城市生态型排水系统的建设以及城市水环境的改善。

    The application of management strategy such as building of socialized water management system , designing of water-green ecological system , and comprehensive using of several storage methods , will help to establish ecological drainage systems and improve urban water environment .